How to make the game more real-world friendly

Mar 19, 2021
I like your reply. Except the formula. The ships are not distributed evenly, and the area of distribution is more like a cone with it's wide and pointing to the heart of the Belt. Maybe I'll try to eavaluate the risc when I'm in mood for maths. Anyway it's low. Maybe even low enough to be ignored.
Though I do have those free T3 nosels and some other stuff :unsure:.
Oh! damn. I can not stop thinking about the right formula...
Anyway, if I planned somekind of AFK-looting algorythm it would:
1. seek the dust clouds
2. iterate through them starting with ones closer to the lines, connecting points ot interest.
3. Use kinda spiral search trajectory from surface to the center of the cloud.
The important question is how big is an average cloud. Never cared to mesure them. If it's big - there is no point searching.
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Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
there is no need to do anything
with this game, if your going to be out and about, most likely you'll be close to a station to dock at for the night, or with indestructibly capital ships, you can dock at it. the thing is your NOT going to be to fare from a station or capital ship most of the time...
and if your out in no mans land, the chances you'll be found in a gas cloud is highly unlikely, unless you wonder into someones back yard or enemy territory, then you get whats coming...
space is big, if you leave your ship untended well you take that risk, thats part of the game i like, its more real
and as for finding afk ships, good luck, i bet i could take my big ship and park it in the safe zone, tell you its there somewhere in the safe zone and by the next day you probably wold not find it, even if you looked all night!
if you park it unsafe then its possible to lose it,
make a station cube and place it, abuse the mechanics available to you till FB gets with it to fix it!


Well-known endo
Oct 1, 2021
I can see that trying to explain it to you is a waste of time.
You're littering the forum and trolling, begging for mechanics that are destructive to MMOs.

make sure they don't steal from you and destroy you. others can. but you can't?

If you remove the ability to loot AFK ships, many players will leave the game. and other players won't buy the game and won't come to it at all.
Starbase is a hardcore game for smart people. If you want to make Starbase into another game for casuals, then the game will die.
This is my actual experience, but I went to the moon in Buffalo. I saved ore and money and bought a ship with almost all my fortune. When I went to the moon, turned the ship up, left it in auto-navigation mode and returned to the front of the screen, the ship broke and died.
In the chat log, there was a chat log asking to stop the ship.

I told the main chat why I broke the ship and how I felt that all my property had been lost and died. Then I received a message saying that I would return this ship if I gave up ownership. I told him that I don't need such a ship because I have never built one and I can never repair it by returning only the broken ship.

Can you tell the difference between a beginner and a familiar person?
And when the beginner takes his eyes off the screen for a break, the ship is destroyed, withered and retired from the game.
I don't know when the content will increase and there will be many people, but now there are few people and few new people. Currently, it is mostly aimed at beginners.

The looting feature will not be removed from abandoned ships. rest assured.

Instead, those accustomed to it move safely on their capital ships, but beginners are targeted because they don't have a capital ship. And you target that beginner. Please do your best and exploit from beginners!
Mar 19, 2021
The case you described is what can be qualified as pilot error. It may be frustrating, but it's part of the game. You were online. You had the posibility to control your ship, but you failed. So we have a wrecked ship on the moon. The trick question is should it despawn on your logout, if my suggestion is accepted. I think rather no than yes. It does not take much time to go into moon's orbit. So if your ship is ok, you can lift it and despawn. If it's crashed - the loot should be someone's reward.
The fact that you lost all your savings is purely the result of your planning. So, it was not pleasent, but complitely fair. And there is no mechanisms that can potentially protect from bad planning and piloting. And they are not needed.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
there is no need to do anything
with this game, if your going to be out and about, most likely you'll be close to a station to dock at for the night, or with indestructibly capital ships, you can dock at it. the thing is your NOT going to be to fare from a station or capital ship most of the time...
and if your out in no mans land, the chances you'll be found in a gas cloud is highly unlikely, unless you wonder into someones back yard or enemy territory, then you get whats coming...
space is big, if you leave your ship untended well you take that risk, thats part of the game i like, its more real
and as for finding afk ships, good luck, i bet i could take my big ship and park it in the safe zone, tell you its there somewhere in the safe zone and by the next day you probably wold not find it, even if you looked all night!
if you park it unsafe then its possible to lose it,
make a station cube and place it, abuse the mechanics available to you till FB gets with it to fix it!
I totally agree with you.
But it has already been explained to these two individuals many times. They pretend not to understand and try time and time again to promote their idea. This is called forum trolling and disrespect for other forum members and the administration.

In fact, they are only begging for mechanics to evade other players. For the same purpose they are begging for "private warp" and whatnot.

Can you tell the difference between a beginner and a familiar person?
And when the beginner takes his eyes off the screen for a break, the ship is destroyed, withered and retired from the game.
I don't know when the content will increase and there will be many people, but now there are few people and few new people. Currently, it is mostly aimed at beginners.

The looting feature will not be removed from abandoned ships. rest assured.

Instead, those accustomed to it move safely on their capital ships, but beginners are targeted because they don't have a capital ship. And you target that beginner. Please do your best and exploit from beginners!
This is exactly what I described in response to shado20.
This is forum trolling. They pass off a pernicious idea under the guise of a noble one. It is because of such players that games die.
A prime example is Elite Dangerous, where they've begged for a blocklist and abuse it by making huge blocklists and spreading them around. There is a list of nicknames on this sheet. A player can block 150-200 players in 5 minutes, via a nickname search. And this despite the fact that there are private and solo game modes... Bottom line: The MMO is dead.
Nov 23, 2019
"Who's stopping you from making a bait ship and then killing the robber? - My mortality and physiology. Even with a transponder on I will have to wait for several hours or even a day :)
Problem 1 (real-world): we live in the real world. We have families, pets, kids, leaking pipes e.t.c. That's why sometimes we just have to stop a 12-hour mining trip to do something in the real world. But leaving a 10 000 000$ ship full of treasures in the cold unforgiving void, crawling with loot-hungry pirates, feels wrong.
it's amazing how these two things get along in your brain at the same time. It's time to decide, is this a world teeming with pirates who will pounce on the ship should you leave it for at least a minute or will no one arrive on the transponder for hours or even days?
Mar 19, 2021
it's amazing how these two things get along in your brain at the same time. It's time to decide, is this a world teeming with pirates who will pounce on the ship should you leave it for at least a minute or will no one arrive on the transponder for hours or even days?
Wow! That's amazing. Never noticed that. Sometimes my brain surprises me. I guess experiments will reveal the truth. At least I'll have a fun-quest deilvering laborers to some parts of the Belt and monitoring their condition.
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Active endo
Jan 14, 2020
In my opinion, this problem is solved quite simply. You can collapse the ship together with the player. Restriction, deployment and collapse occurs within 5 minutes, provided that no one attacks it. The player's character is limited to the position, only inside the collapsed ship. If the game resumes, the ship is deployed within 5 minutes. During deployment, the ship and the character are invulnerable.
Nov 23, 2019
In my opinion, this problem is solved quite simply. You can collapse the ship together with the player. Restriction, deployment and collapse occurs within 5 minutes, provided that no one attacks it. The player's character is limited to the position, only inside the collapsed ship. If the game resumes, the ship is deployed within 5 minutes. During deployment, the ship and the character are invulnerable.
At the same time, you can collapse a whole layer of gameplay to search for derelict and give players another way to cheat with fleets suddenly emerging from the void.


Active endo
Jan 14, 2020
At the same time, you can collapse a whole layer of gameplay to search for derelict and give players another way to cheat with fleets suddenly emerging from the void.
5 minutes of appearing unable to do anything? Exhale friend!!! Yes, in five minutes they will surround you and aim all the guns. And you can also shoot yourself. Okay, not 5, but 10-15 minutes. Although this is unnecessary...


Well-known endo
Oct 1, 2021
It's boring that the ship disappears from the game when the player logs out of the game. This game is an MMO, not a single player game. Do players on an expedition with a friend need to log out in order for the friend to log out of the game? It's boring. Even if your friend logs out of the game, it's even more fun to play on your friend's ship. Also, if a ship disappears when it goes offline, it can be abused in various ways.


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
Problem 1 (real-world): we live in the real world. We have families, pets, kids, leaking pipes e.t.c. That's why sometimes we just have to stop a 12-hour mining trip to do something in the real world. But leaving a 10 000 000$ ship full of treasures in the cold unforgiving void, crawling with loot-hungry pirates, feels wrong.
So i suggest an emergency-despawn (ED) device.
And we have Problem 2 (ingame). The problem is "why not use this in a middle of a fight".
The solution of problem 2 is resitictions, that the ED should have.
1. ED requires zero ship speed to start charging
2. It takes 5 minutes to cherge the ED.
3. Moving the ship or taking damage discharges the ED to zero.
4. After despawning with ED the ship can be respawned not sooner than 1 hour after despawn.
so i also find this problematic of a problem.
if your on a 12-hour mining trip, this is probably 12 hours you haven't been attacked or found. so going afk for another 1 hour will probably be ok , and if your mining , most likely if your found by an attacker, even if your at the computer your still going to die and lose it all, unless your with a party, then there is someone else to fly your ship...
but most mining runs are not going to be like this, youll stay close to station or cap ship.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
In my opinion, this problem is solved quite simply. You can collapse the ship together with the player. Restriction, deployment and collapse occurs within 5 minutes, provided that no one attacks it. The player's character is limited to the position, only inside the collapsed ship. If the game resumes, the ship is deployed within 5 minutes. During deployment, the ship and the character are invulnerable.
This removes the need for the player to think about where to leave the ship. It will deprive other players of a huge layer of gameplay for finding ships.
No, no, and no.

It's boring that the ship disappears from the game when the player logs out of the game. This game is an MMO, not a single player game. Do players on an expedition with a friend need to log out in order for the friend to log out of the game? It's boring. Even if your friend logs out of the game, it's even more fun to play on your friend's ship. Also, if a ship disappears when it goes offline, it can be abused in various ways.
Yes, such mechanics will be 200% abusive and kill the gameplay.


Active endo
Jan 14, 2020
This removes the need for the player to think about where to leave the ship. It will deprive other players of a huge layer of gameplay for finding ships.
No, no, and no.

Yes, such mechanics will be 200% abusive and kill the gameplay.
Well, then play a game where 2 people per server. They themselves say we have MMOs here and they themselves begin to deny the possibility of a person suddenly starting to have their urgent business.
Nov 23, 2019
Well, then play a game where 2 people per server. They themselves say we have MMOs here and they themselves begin to deny the possibility of a person suddenly starting to have their urgent business.
I don't see a correlation between the population of players and someone's "urgent" affairs.


Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
Well, then play a game where 2 people per server. They themselves say we have MMOs here and they themselves begin to deny the possibility of a person suddenly starting to have their urgent business.
Where is the logic?
Where is the least bit of logic?
Another forum troll?
Nov 23, 2019
Do you see a gopher in the field? No, you don't. And he is there.
Arguments, my friend, facts, examples of statistics indicating the correlation of one with the other. So far, your statements are just empty talk.

In addition, I think it is bad form to respond in an English-language forum with references to works that will be understood by barely 10 percent.

I want to remind you that the phrase you quoted was said by a substance abuser who was almost handed over to a mental hospital by his own relatives. Are you trying to create just such an image for yourself?


Active endo
Jan 14, 2020
Where is the logic?
Where is the least bit of logic?
Another forum troll?
It's very nice to be a troll and blame others. No, you're the one. Because you are aggressive, and I suffer from you. How could you (with) Greta Tumberk.

And now about the game. How many players do you need on the servers? I will answer myself, so much so that the game pays for itself. That's about 4,000 people. Only the game will develop slowly (if it does not bend). According to the idea, there should be at least 15 thousand online, otherwise you will not get out of the swamp. And now I'm talking about a modest indus project. You can breathe normally with at least 25 thousand online. We will not dream further.

So that's it! I just answered that you want stock players, how many will not let the project bend. And for this, it is necessary to give some kind of compromises to those who are not an ardent fanatic who is ready to run into me here, despite the fact that I am not an opponent, but simply suggest paying attention to reality. Where some can unfortunately allocate for the game, they change 40 a day and not always in one segment.

If you don't give these people the opportunity to win back at least this time with the ability to behave flexibly, forget about the big online. I played games where there were big difficulties that the players wanted. But there the developers themselves understood that we were doing hardcore, for a small number of fans. I'm not sure that this is possible here, and according to certain signs, the developers want a large collection of players after all.

In EVA, as far as I know, they give 3 minutes. Okay, we are not virtuous, we will give 10. And if the ship has not been touched during this time, then the ship collapses. When entering, the ship appears and waits 10 minutes for it to fully manifest. At the same time, if the player's ship was attacked while exiting the online, then the ship remains.

Here are the reasons and the suggestion. then think for yourself, considering that I did not sign up to fight with you, I just say hello.