I think their should be ship mounted flame throwers

May 6, 2020
I think it should be like the infantry flame thrower but the fire goes further and does more damage as well as fuel consumption settings so you can choose the size of the fire but a smaller flame would obiviously do less damage.
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Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
That would have pathetic range and "projectile" speed. So useless in any situation other than ramming into huge ship.

I kind of like the idea of very short range ship weapon. But it'd have too niche use.
And implementation would be probably really tricky, as we're dealing with dynamic volumetric damaging substance. They have infantry flamer, but I'm not sure if they could use the same tech for ship weapon.

Also swarmer missiles do almost the same: short range AOE damage. But it at least have some chance to score a hit at further ranges as well.
May 6, 2020
Well even if it had terrible range compared to other weapons it could be used as a trap to keep people from just walking through your door. You don't have to use the mounted weapons on the outside of your ship/building.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
Ah. For that use I'd love to simply be able to attach (and control) infantry weapon to ship.


Active endo
Aug 9, 2019
How the hell would fire work in a vacuum? You're in space. There is no air. How the hell are you going to get the fuel out, much less light the damn fuel in -200°C and no oxidizer.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
Magic :D

Maybe it's just glowing acid sprayer? Or some kind of unstable plasma thrower?

I wouldn't bother too much with explaining game mechanics. People are used to much more unrealistic stuff in SF (i.e. gravity generators).


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
I mean the one that allows people walking in a spaceship (excluding realistic approaches, like acceleration and centripetal gravity).

Those that allows ships to levitate are shady as well.


Well-known endo
Apr 30, 2020
I mean the one that allows people walking in a spaceship (excluding realistic approaches, like acceleration and centripetal gravity).

Those that allows ships to levitate are shady as well.
I was saying that flamethrowers in space are the same as chemical engines. But yes, gravity generators are magic, so is space drag.

OOOOR.... is the light speed in Starbase 150m/s?
May 6, 2020
I think that planets should be destructible on the surface down to a certain distance. I know that then their would be the issue of what happens when it all reaches the bottom of possible destruction to the planet well i think that their could be meteors that randomly spawn and fall on the planet where some cause damage to the planet and structures built by players and one that is more common that puts back destructible ground on the planet but still damages player structures but when it impacts the ground it becomes part of the ground but when it does so it flattens out and on the surface their is a cheaper resource and in the middle their is a more valuable one and the cheaper one is also on the bottom. Of course i think these meteorites should contain more resources than most of the space rocks
May 6, 2020
How the hell would fire work in a vacuum? You're in space. There is no air. How the hell are you going to get the fuel out, much less light the damn fuel in -200°C and no oxidizer.
If their is oxygen in the mix of fuel it will burn anywhere because it has the fuel and what is needed for that to burn which is the same reason a flare can burn underwater.


Active endo
Aug 9, 2019
If their is oxygen in the mix of fuel it will burn anywhere because it has the fuel and what is needed for that to burn which is the same reason a flare can burn underwater.
But there's hardly any pressure in space. The moment the fuel-oxidizer mixture gets out of the flamethrower, it will simply dissipate into nothingness. And assuming you somehow manage to eject the fuel mixture, and keep it lit the fuel will burn out before it gets to the target, since the concentration of fuel will be too low for the flames to get enough fuel, since it's dissipated into space. Once the fuel gets out of the nozzle, it will immediately expand, and the concentration will be too low for the flames to survive. At best, you'd have a few meters range, at worst a few centimeters.
Aug 9, 2019
I think that planets should be destructible on the surface down to a certain distance. I know that then their would be the issue of what happens when it all reaches the bottom of possible destruction to the planet well i think that their could be meteors that randomly spawn and fall on the planet where some cause damage to the planet and structures built by players and one that is more common that puts back destructible ground on the planet but still damages player structures but when it impacts the ground it becomes part of the ground but when it does so it flattens out and on the surface their is a cheaper resource and in the middle their is a more valuable one and the cheaper one is also on the bottom. Of course i think these meteorites should contain more resources than most of the space rocks
For what I know, the devs said that the planets are destructible, so don't worry.
Also dude your text is pretty hard for reading... Add some punctuation and split the article into several paragraphs will help a lot.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
On the physics of the flamethrowers: maybe the fuel and oxidizer are somehow "magimagnetically" attracted to allow for better burns and more stickiness to endos.

Their use on ships could be better used as area denial for raiding parties. First, get the crew to safe places and then toast the rest of the ship to kill all the invaders.


Veteran endo
Feb 19, 2020
I think we should stop arguing about the physics of the damn flamethrower and ask ourselves if they would fit as a mechanic on ships, no matter if fire burns in space or not.

it's called scifi magic, yall.
Apr 23, 2020
On the physics of the flamethrowers: maybe the fuel and oxidizer are somehow "magimagnetically" attracted to allow for better burns and more stickiness to endos.

Their use on ships could be better used as area denial for raiding parties. First, get the crew to safe places and then toast the rest of the ship to kill all the invaders.

Do you mean the napalm burner?

Or the warhead of a shell with high-temperature thermite?

Or "Greek fire"?


Learned-to-sprint endo
Aug 9, 2019
On the topic of burning stuff, all of this has given me an idea:
How about a missil head that create a large fire ball? And by this, I don't mean a large explosion, but a ball of spreading flames that, if hiting in the right place, would spread into the inside of a ship and hurt its crew.
This would allow pirate to take over a ship easily... Too easily perhaps?