Is it me or do others not like the switch to larger devices either?


Active endo
Aug 9, 2019
I'm not sure why we are getting a switch to these larger devices, but they really don't feel good to design with ...

They are simply just to big ...

All devices are relatively small, however for some reason we just got a switch in the last couple of months to devices needing to be upscaled (they look upscaled to me) to the 4 x 4 crate format ... (576 x 576cm)

Plasma thruster,
New Generator (PTU),
New Tank (PTU),
concept of the Ball Turret.
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Veteran endo
Jun 11, 2021
For me, the Plasma Thruster (which I played with for the first time in the designer only very recently, and was astonished by the size of) and the Ball Turret make a degree of sense.

The PT is a thing that's meant for big ships, to give them a cruising mode that doesn't require a massive thruster wall.

The Ball Turret includes "so much stuff" that it basically has to be that big. I could wish they had found a different way of implementing usable turrets, but they have code-archtictural limitations to deal with in that regard, and there are compromises which have to be drawn. Part of the problem, for me, is that there's no "change of scale" in the "spectrum" of weapons involved. Taking RW as an analogy, all the ship guns are "tank gun" sized. There are no lighter (SAW/LMG/MMG/HMG/Cannon) options or heavier (heavy artillery/naval rifle. More variety would give the option of smaller ball turrets and give a role for larger turrets.[/code]


Veteran endo
Aug 16, 2021
i think they ball turrent should just have a lower silhouette. it looks to be way above the Endo's head. Some room there is good for armor though. i have wanted to see turrents that can easily be armored, that of course, will entice players to use it more as well as being able to easily use it with mouse.


Active endo
Aug 10, 2021
You have to actually make it from parts at a crafting table, from what I can tell.

EDIT: I look forward to not having to make so many crates properly supported (just a few big ones), or other ways to power big ships - I've got one with like 30 rods in a ring so it gets enough speed and enough range in a narrow enough package, and it's just painful to swap all those out - I'd much prefer to do that with a single large core.

I'm disappointed there doesn't seem to be any other shapes offered for crates yet, a double-long triangle one would have the same internal volume while opening up a lot of options for ship shapes beyond 'ol-bricky'.
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Well-known endo
Aug 23, 2021
The Large Generator doesn't seem functional yet or i'm missing something.

I put together all 3 big modules, the Generator, the Exorium Processor-thingy and the Exorium Tank. Connected them all with the module connectors and nothing really happened, didn't consume the exorium fuel rod and didnt seem to generate any power.

On the bright side it snaps together better than the warpcore
Aug 24, 2021
I think the ball turret is intended both for large ships and for military capitals. The large grid size makes a lot of sense in that context.

Imagine 800-crate armored freighters with plasma drives, large reactors and several ball turrets strategically placed.

On military capitals, the ball turrets will probably be pretty easy targets, being stationary and poorly armored - but it'll have room for lots of them, and dead gunners can be easily respawned.

Not much they could do against small ships spraying missiles at long range, but hey, thats what fighters are for.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
You missed warp core Quevin.

I don't mind having them. They make a lot of sense for ships around the current ship limit size.

But if I had to choose, I'd go for something 2x2m or 3x3m. So something in-between.
Jump from 1k eps to 200k, or from 500k thrust to 35000k is a bit much.