Large Combat Ship Theory

Nov 12, 2020
From corvettes to battleships they all need 4 things.

1.Armor to justify their size, weight, and speed.
Strong armor that can vary from cheap to expensive that can not be equipped on fighters due to weight is necessary.

Armored thrusters that can take a beating but have a large size, weight, or poor fuel efficiency that prevents them from being used on small fighter.

2.Main Weapons to destroy other ships of similar category. Too pierce thick armor other weapons can not.
Their can be a verity of different weapons that can work as main guns, such as,
beam cannons that can tear across the surface of armored targets destroying any secondary armaments the opponents has,
kinetic weapons that can pierce armor and deal internal damage.
Their is no limit to verity in large weapons as long as they do a certain amount of damage worth their upkeep and maintenance.

3.Secondary Weapons to fire while the main guns are reloading and to make fighters think twice before approaching
large ships need weapons that can take out maneuverable fighters, like lasers that are hard to evade, flake guns that can saturate an area,
or kinetic weapons with high firing rates to guarantee hits on maneuverable targets.

Secondary weapons can also be specialized for taking out heavier targets not just fighters, for example,
heavy railguns with a medium fire rate to pick at weakpoints on your opponent ext...
These weapons can also be mounted on heavy fighters designed to combat corvettes.

4.Cost and Maintenance befitting a ship of said size. Not everybody can have a Battleship
Crew, Fuel, ammunition, and Armor maintenance are 3 important things a large ship will need to be operable.
Armor maintenance is something the game needs to maintain a proper economy, as the vacuum of space and radiation of the sun tear away at your precious armor
it will need a varity of ores and alloys to keep the armor in perfect condition.

Fuel and ammunition is necessary in large quantities because large ship combat will probably be attrition battles.

crew to man all the ships stations and too defend any possible boarding.


BTW I have not played this game yet due too my cheap Computer that can't run it properly :(.


Active endo
Jun 10, 2020
>as the vacuum of space and radiation of the sun tear away at your precious armor

The explanation sounds like a high maintenance cost for a battleship even in the absence of combat.
It seems like a bit of an excess game system, considering that if there is a battle, the ship will be damaged and a repair fee will be required.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
1. We already have that. Well made large ship can take a lot of beating.

2. Problem is - to successfully use any weapon from a large ship you need to have them on easy to aim turrets, as they are too clumsy to aim any spinal weapon at anything that can move at decent speed. And fitting big guns on turrets isn't any harder than fitting them on fighters.
The main natural advantage of big ships is large, well protected and spaced out internal volume. So to utilise that, we need weapons that are small, but require huge array of internal components to function (i.e. power generation or ammo storage) and responsive, durable turrets.
The most primitive way to achieve that would be doubling ship weapon damage and tripling or quadrupling their energy consumption.

3. I like the idea of flak and laser. We already have high rof AC and rail cannon.

4. Maintenance for just existing is a bad idea IMO. But I wouldn't mind if certain dangerous areas of space keep bombarding your hull with tiny rocks from all angles (or just from the front).