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Over the past month or so there has been a significant uprise in content discussing changes that should be made for the game. Mainly here on the forum by a certain guy with a monochromatic profile picture (
), but also over on the official Discord.
As I've been speaking with people over on the Discord I have developed two core ideas that I would like to see in the game that could lead to some rebalancing of things.
I am sure others have already had these ideas to some degree but I don't think that I've seen them documented anywhere.
Idea: Maintenance gameplay
Reason: Larger ships will almost always be at a disadvantage compared to smaller ships
Result: Should make large ships, multi-crew, and ship interiors more appealing
Original discussion start: StarbaseDiscord
Large ships are currently at a disadvantage compared to smaller ships based on almost any metric, multi-crew isn't viable either as two fighters would be more useful than a pilot and co-pilot on a larger ship. While the specific implementation is hard to decide on over text I think we got a pretty good idea either way.
So, what is the reason for this problem? Mostly the way the game is structured, to be honest. I looked into how Space Engineers does large vs small ships a little as I remembered it being quite balanced on the larger faction war servers that I used to play on back in the day and it was mainly based on giving each type favorable traits, as well as non-favorable ones. [here is an example video]
We discussed a little about these traits and ended up on a maintenance system which I bet can be a bit controversial by some but that could be implemented in a good way if you manage to get the specifics down. Core criteria are that small ships and large ships should both be viable without either type being naturally better than the other. Below are a couple of example ships that I will explain further down:
So there were a few examples of some ships and their maintenance levels, the idea here was to try and keep small ships viable by allowing them to be piloted by a singular player as long as they do not stress the network all too much while also still having these large weapon and tool counts still be possible with a sizeable crew. I am sure that my example ships here are flawed in some ways but they can be tweaked of course to be better on a gameplay standpoint!
Maintenance items:
Many things in the game could be given the need to be maintained but primarily there are 3 candidates for it.
This feature might also bring more utility to the ship diagnostic scanner which could be used to display the health of different components in an easily understandable way, maybe even a bit akin to Star Citizen*s upcoming engineering feature which has a type of map over the ship:
(Having a map might of course be a bit out of scope as our ships in Starbase are player-made, but some kind of visual element to what needs attention would be nice)
Would love to hear everyone's feedback on this but I see it as a viable implementation with a bit of work.
Currently, multi-crew ships have more issues than just being outperformed with how turrets are just unreasonably inadequate, but I believe that actually is something that Frozenbyte has been thinking of, especially with the coming ball turret.
Idea: (mostly) Physicalized storage
Reason: There is no drawback to having too many ships stored, nor is there any grounded basis for station storage
Result: Should make station ship and item storage more realistic
In a perfect world, there wouldn't need to be "magic storage" and everything could just be spawned in, but sadly the world isn't magical.
The proposal is a type of storage added to stations that would work based on volume. Each part would get a volume in m^3, every ship would have a calculated volume based on its part list and ores would keep their volumes akin to their physical size.
There would then be a storage block of some kind that can be placed down on a station each block adding the size of the block to the station's storage, while it is obviously gamified (as you could just make a long pillar and store an entire freighter inside of it) it would still work to ground the station storage to something physical, and not work as some kind of magical cloud storage
(another alternative could be to have it be built similarly to hangars are right now, and then calculate the m*3 based on the dimensions (just like the hangar) although the storage would obviously appear to be solid)
Thoughts and further development of these ideas are very much welcomed
As I've been speaking with people over on the Discord I have developed two core ideas that I would like to see in the game that could lead to some rebalancing of things.
I am sure others have already had these ideas to some degree but I don't think that I've seen them documented anywhere.
Idea: Maintenance gameplay
Reason: Larger ships will almost always be at a disadvantage compared to smaller ships
Result: Should make large ships, multi-crew, and ship interiors more appealing
Original discussion start: StarbaseDiscord
Large ships are currently at a disadvantage compared to smaller ships based on almost any metric, multi-crew isn't viable either as two fighters would be more useful than a pilot and co-pilot on a larger ship. While the specific implementation is hard to decide on over text I think we got a pretty good idea either way.
So, what is the reason for this problem? Mostly the way the game is structured, to be honest. I looked into how Space Engineers does large vs small ships a little as I remembered it being quite balanced on the larger faction war servers that I used to play on back in the day and it was mainly based on giving each type favorable traits, as well as non-favorable ones. [here is an example video]
We discussed a little about these traits and ended up on a maintenance system which I bet can be a bit controversial by some but that could be implemented in a good way if you manage to get the specifics down. Core criteria are that small ships and large ships should both be viable without either type being naturally better than the other. Below are a couple of example ships that I will explain further down:
Ship 1: Small single-person fighter
Has 2 autocannons, a couple of batteries, and good thrust.
This ship would not need a lot of maintenance as the maximum power consumption as power consumption realistically isn't that low for this ship.
Maybe sometimes, but it shouldn't need to be of big concern for the pilot.
This ship would not need a lot of maintenance as the maximum power consumption as power consumption realistically isn't that low for this ship.
Maybe sometimes, but it shouldn't need to be of big concern for the pilot.
Ship 2: Medium single-person fighter
Has 6 lasers.
This ship would need maintenance as the maximum power consumption would realistically be a lot higher than ship 1. It would be important to check your status before entering a serious scenario.
This ship would need maintenance as the maximum power consumption would realistically be a lot higher than ship 1. It would be important to check your status before entering a serious scenario.
Ship 3: Heavy single-person fighter
Has 15 lasers.
This ship would need frequent maintenance as the maximum power consumption is very high. This ship would suffer from problems during combat due to issues listed later and might not fare that well during a fight with only a pilot.
This ship would need frequent maintenance as the maximum power consumption is very high. This ship would suffer from problems during combat due to issues listed later and might not fare that well during a fight with only a pilot.
Ship 4: Heavily armed multi-crew ship:
Has 25 lasers.
This ship would need very frequent maintenance as the maximum power consumption is very high. This ship would suffer from many outages during combat due to issues listed later and would not be usable in a fight by only the pilot without severely limiting the total EPS of the ship. The ship would need a crew of at least 2 or preferably 3 to keep running during combat.
This ship would need very frequent maintenance as the maximum power consumption is very high. This ship would suffer from many outages during combat due to issues listed later and would not be usable in a fight by only the pilot without severely limiting the total EPS of the ship. The ship would need a crew of at least 2 or preferably 3 to keep running during combat.
Ship 5: Large miner:
Has 20 mining lasers.
This ship would like its fighter counterparts also need maintenance as the EPS to keep the ship running is high.
This ship would like its fighter counterparts also need maintenance as the EPS to keep the ship running is high.
So there were a few examples of some ships and their maintenance levels, the idea here was to try and keep small ships viable by allowing them to be piloted by a singular player as long as they do not stress the network all too much while also still having these large weapon and tool counts still be possible with a sizeable crew. I am sure that my example ships here are flawed in some ways but they can be tweaked of course to be better on a gameplay standpoint!
Maintenance items:
Many things in the game could be given the need to be maintained but primarily there are 3 candidates for it.
- Generators
This is definitely the main item that I could see being reasonably added to the game, what we primarily discussed on the discord was a sort of "fuse" that can blow there being too big of a power draw. Here it would be important to note that you can't really make this a thing per generator and that it really needs to be based on the entire ship's power network. The failure rate of components would scale exponentially based on their tier and the ship's current power draw, say that the ship is drawing 6ke/s at a certain game tick then the failure rate of a generator chamber popping its fuse would be low, but if the draw is 20ke/s then the dice-roll would be much larger. The fuse itself could visualize being popped by leaving a voxel hole in itself that needs to be repaired with a build tool.
Maintenance would also be a reason to use larger components like the large generator as it would mean that you only need to maintain one item, and not 23.
Side idea:
Higher-tier fuses would require less frequent repairs, but might need 2 or even 3 different materials to be repaired. Having multiple materials would require the mechanic to run back and change their inventory as the backpack only holds 2 materials which works as a natural trade-off for the greater performance that they bring.
- Weapons
This was another natural contender although one that I don't see as as viable as generators, while it would make sense to have to replace barrels on weapons and maybe the capacitors here too it would require the mechanics to go out on the outside of the ship which might feel weird in gameplay.
- Thrusters
Like weapons this too does not really feel as viable as generators but here we already have parts that could need to be maintained being the converters.
This feature might also bring more utility to the ship diagnostic scanner which could be used to display the health of different components in an easily understandable way, maybe even a bit akin to Star Citizen*s upcoming engineering feature which has a type of map over the ship:
(Having a map might of course be a bit out of scope as our ships in Starbase are player-made, but some kind of visual element to what needs attention would be nice)
Would love to hear everyone's feedback on this but I see it as a viable implementation with a bit of work.
Currently, multi-crew ships have more issues than just being outperformed with how turrets are just unreasonably inadequate, but I believe that actually is something that Frozenbyte has been thinking of, especially with the coming ball turret.
Idea: (mostly) Physicalized storage
Reason: There is no drawback to having too many ships stored, nor is there any grounded basis for station storage
Result: Should make station ship and item storage more realistic
In a perfect world, there wouldn't need to be "magic storage" and everything could just be spawned in, but sadly the world isn't magical.
The proposal is a type of storage added to stations that would work based on volume. Each part would get a volume in m^3, every ship would have a calculated volume based on its part list and ores would keep their volumes akin to their physical size.
There would then be a storage block of some kind that can be placed down on a station each block adding the size of the block to the station's storage, while it is obviously gamified (as you could just make a long pillar and store an entire freighter inside of it) it would still work to ground the station storage to something physical, and not work as some kind of magical cloud storage
(another alternative could be to have it be built similarly to hangars are right now, and then calculate the m*3 based on the dimensions (just like the hangar) although the storage would obviously appear to be solid)
Thoughts and further development of these ideas are very much welcomed