Make pvp a choice, like decent games do.

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Jul 16, 2022
So I've noticed this game, 'hence my forum name', tends to attract the braindead toxic fks called gankers, IDK when ganking became in the least socially acceptable, hell even in warcraft gank squads were looked at with disgust and vitriol, and if history teaches us anything in games in the similar genre open pvp kills the game and will stagnate growth as the game gets a rep for ganking, you can see it already with a simple google search.

Ganking by definition is toxic and harassment, now I haven't left the safe area for this reason, and if I continue to play, which is a big if, I never will. Forced pvp is a toxic attribute in a game, and by forced I mean to continue to experience more actual game you have to expose yourself to this toxic element. I understand risk vs reward, though that's what mobs are for. Having Toxic asshats camping moons, gates, and such, is just well stupid. This isn't Eve, and Eve does it well in the first place.

PVP isn't inherently bad, hell it can be a blast if utilized properly and consensually, YES CONSENTUALLY. Space pvp can be some of the most rewarding ever, I miss JTL and the original SW Battlefront. Just like it could be great here, CONSENTUALLY. Add other risks to moon and further out mining, don't rely on socially unaccepted assholes ganking the overwhelmingly larger portion of your playerbase or you will continue to loose players like sand in a chainlink box.

Also notice in this post I haven called out 1 single individual, or specific group of people, though most of you know who you are, so any personal attacks will be reported not only in the starbase forum but to XenForo as well. *edited for spelling*

*EDIT this section added before any comments EDIT*
Also the new player experience, new player finishes tutorial heads out with ship, gets ganked, now has to rebuild ship, quits and goes plays space engineers instead of time sinking earning/building another ship. People can ignore this fact or say don't fly what you cant replace all they want, but reality is reality, and that scenario is reality far too much in these, fly by night, MUST HAVE OPEN PVP WEDGED IN GERRRRR, games. We have all witnessed/experienced it a few times over now. The landscape is different now, creative games with open pvp just except on very rare occasion fail outright, this game already has had so much potential but no-one wants to play because of ganking and open pvp, so it's avoided like the plague. Even after decent sized youtube creator have played it, comment sections are full of "I wont play gankers and manditory pvp" comments.
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Veteran endo
Aug 31, 2021
So I've noticed this game, 'hence my forum name', tends to attract the braindead toxic fks called gankers, IDK when ganking became in the least socially acceptable, hell even in warcraft gank squads were looked at with disgust and vitriol, and if history teaches us anything in games in the similar genre open pvp kills the game and will stagnate growth as the game gets a rep for ganking, you can see it already with a simple google search.

Ganking by definition is toxic and harassment, now I haven't left the safe area for this reason, and if I continue to play, which is a big if, I never will. Forced pvp is a toxic attribute in a game, and by forced I mean to continue to experience more actual game you have to expose yourself to this toxic element. I understand risk vs reward, though that's what mobs are for. Having Toxic asshats camping moons, gates, and such, is just well stupid. This isn't Eve, and Eve does it well in the first place.

PVP isn't inherently bad, hell it can be a blast if utilized properly and consensually, YES CONSENTUALLY. Space pvp can be some of the most rewarding ever, I miss JTL and the original SW Battlefront. Just like it could be great here, CONSENTUALLY. Add other risks to moon and further out mining, don't rely on socially unaccepted assholes ganking the overwhelmingly larger portion of your playerbase or you will continue to loose players like sand in a chainlink box.

Also notice in this post I haven called out 1 single individual, or specific group of people, though most of you know who you are, so any personal attacks will be reported not only in the starbase forum but to XenForo as well. *edited for spelling*

*EDIT this section added before any comments EDIT*
Also the new player experience, new player finishes tutorial heads out with ship, gets ganked, now has to rebuild ship, quits and goes plays space engineers instead of time sinking earning/building another ship. People can ignore this fact or say don't fly what you cant replace all they want, but reality is reality, and that scenario is reality far too much in these, fly by night, MUST HAVE OPEN PVP WEDGED IN GERRRRR, games. We have all witnessed/experienced it a few times over now. The landscape is different now, creative games with open pvp just except on very rare occasion fail outright, this game already has had so much potential but no-one wants to play because of ganking and open pvp, so it's avoided like the plague. Even after decent sized youtube creator have played it, comment sections are full of "I wont play gankers and manditory pvp" comments.
*EDIT this section added before comments EDIT*
Stop polluting the forum.
What right do you have to insult someone else's gameplay? It's not like I'm insulting miners. You are being toxic. Very toxic. I think your post is the most toxic I've seen here.
What you're doing now is insulting gamers.

Gunk is a noble pursuit.
Gunk helps people start learning so they don't get killed. It helps them come together and evolve. It's roleplay.
Gunk gives players the opportunity to play lawman's roleplay.
But most importantly, the gank allows a player to be tested for adequacy.
If you don't like it, don't play it. But stop being disrespectful to the other players.


Well-known endo
May 20, 2020
Sheesh, the google translator is mean again :LOL:
You really should put that in your signature, never mind the language.
Just that you are using it.

But I have to agree with pavvvel.
While I absolutely loath ganking its just a game play part.
Currently its to OP since there are virtually no countermeasures other than putting up a fight.
But that has to and will be balanced someday, not just now.
There are way more pressing matters to attend to.

For my part, I honestly think the current safe zone policies need to be reworked anyway.
No damage is just BS. Maybe only in real close station vicinity.
I think it would be much more fun if it was a enforced no fire zone with transponder and auto report to some kind of bounty system.
Meaning to you'll get a real good thrashing if you are dumb enough to piss off the system.

Also, dude it's really not that much of a problem you make it.
Just venture out. But use your brain, flying in a straight predictable course is like begging for it.
Space is huge, so use it.
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