Official Forums vs Reddit vs Discord


Veteran endo
Aug 9, 2019
Which of the three do you think facilitates “better” discussion of the game? From my own experience:
  • Discord has the most consistent discussion, but is unsorted and consists of conversations that span many lines of text. Good source of info if you search the Discord for phrases. I would rank it second as it can be difficult to contribute to when the topic you wanted to talk about passes by as you’re drafting a response.
  • The official forums are a great place with sorted info and more in depth conversations though susceptible to those who submit many paragraph long responses. I would rank this first, it’s the best place to discuss topics in a sorted and coherent manner.
  • Reddit doesn’t really seem viable quite yet as the subreddit doesn’t get a lot of posts. Reddit pulls up the rear for me with a lack of consistent activity and content.
“Better” is a pretty subjective term here and has many different applications in this context. Very interested in hearing other’s opinions.
Aug 9, 2019
I mostly agree with your choices, and i realy wish that forums were more populated, sadly devs seem to promote Discord as the best place for discussion
The problem with Discord is that despite a slow mode in some channels, one topic cannot be discussed for more than a day, and because of that discussions on Discord feel very shallow.


Well-known endo
Feb 1, 2020
Yes but dicord is the best for posting news and updates and easy to get it so it makes sence to promote discord


Veteran endo
Aug 9, 2019
Yes but dicord is the best for posting news and updates and easy to get it so it makes sence to promote discord
Yeah, Discord is the best for notifications. I would would rank Reddit up there for news and updates, but you don’t always get notifications from Reddit. It’s usually you happen to come across news as you’re browsing.
Nov 18, 2019
Problem is. If you break their rules they will ban you without notice and when you go to appeal will in turn say no because they look at your messages alone. I'm not the only one, I have spoken with others that were angry with their decision of being slow pokes.

Discord is likely to be the primary source of support, Forums are secondary if not last. Hopefully they prove me wrong, but I'm not crossing fingers.
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Oct 3, 2019
Reddit for quality discussion. Official forums for quantity and making longer posts (like guides) with attached media. Discord for asking the devs stuff directly and of course memeing.

Try to see different forums complementing each other rather than competing.


Well-known endo
Aug 14, 2019
Yeh I find Discord fast moving too,
To handle this try
>skim read it (have it running to one side and keep and eye out for key words or comments from key people)
>use the search
>check the pins
>check the announcements channels.
>just ask questions (There is always questions about getting into CA, so people are used to the same questions every few minutes as new people join/disconnect) This does lead to a bit of Chinese whispers.
May 29, 2020
I'm an old guy so i tend to prefer forums over anything. I like discord but info gets lost too easy in the scroll but like someone already said it's easy to search for info you're looking for.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
I prefer the forums immensly more over Discord. Reddit is mostly out of the running it seems.

I enjoy the organized, thoughtful discussions that the forum style promotes. Also, it's much easier to jump into a forum thread than a group chat since you can see all the relevant talking points highlighted first.

If Discord had a system for creating threads then it would probably be on top. However, that would make it nearly the same as the forum.

Also, I addressed this a bit in my post: HERE. I even got a response from Frozenbyte. Feel free to check it out.
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