Patch notes, build 129 (Friday 8th of May, 2020):
Yell to chat, /y (shorter distance than /z - zone, 300 meters)
Say to chat, /s (shorter distance than /y - yell, 30 meters)
Mag boots remember their setting and are defaulted on
Backpack ore exploit prevented
Name font changed to support special characters
Invert mouse X/Y in settings - controls (top of menu)
Crash fixes
Server side fixes
Feedback tool fixes
Surprise fixes
Yell to chat, /y (shorter distance than /z - zone, 300 meters)
Say to chat, /s (shorter distance than /y - yell, 30 meters)
Mag boots remember their setting and are defaulted on
Backpack ore exploit prevented
Name font changed to support special characters
Invert mouse X/Y in settings - controls (top of menu)
Crash fixes
Server side fixes
Feedback tool fixes
Surprise fixes