I love Roleplaying, as long as the game mechanics encourage it in a very automatic way. I call that immersion, that the game mechanics and behaviour of the players aren't forced or pretending. But rather a natural response to the gameworlds rules and set up.
For example, with communication. You have too many restrictions on who you can talk to and the organization of in-game channels, people will opt for outside software such as teamspeak, discord or mumble. But if the game can go beyond what those services provide to some extent and very profoundly connect to the game world in a way no other service is able to manage, then it's immersion.
Assume for example all robots are given a sort of radio that communicates short range radio waves, and larger such devices on ships. You can have ship to ship and player to player interaction in local and from ship to ship. Which really isn't possible unless all players are on the same teamspeak/mumble etc. This creates immersion.
As for security, piracy or trade. The general reason why piracy was so succesfull in Somalia or in the 18th century, was the lack of communication or even the lack of ability to reinforce or help vessels in distress. You would have to create a truly vast universe to be able to effectively pirate, otherwise pirate groups will just too easily be found and deleted. Communication is still instant regardless, but if you could create very long travel routes, perhaps piracy would have a bigger chance of succeeding. That and a healthy trade between factions, stations and groups.
If the movement system in this game is based on gates, and there is no way around it, it would severly limit pirates ability to operate to only certain sectors, which again would just make it too easy.
My hope, is that movement will be as free and unlimited as possible, with the only restriction being range. If the game does plan to add gates and similar I think it would be too simple for groups to defend themselves against pirates. Now please I don't condone piracy, but rather the excitment of having to transport something from A-B is bigger if you have credible threats that might hit you. It's more fun I think. Then again it's not fun to die, but the game should contain multiple small win-cycles where you accomplish something. Hopefully since this is an MMO, losing a ship doesn't mean losing a 100 days worth of effort, but rather 1 or 2, I think that's manageable. Maybe someone who knows more about human psyche and games can tell us the optimal win-cycle.
In either case, the pirates and such behaviour would allow for bigger "boss-like" challenges to be met by the players. I think it makes the game much deeper and more fun, and I personally believe opening movement and range, and reducing speed is the best way to accomplish it. But I could be wrong