Priority of the repair feature.

Dec 26, 2020
At the risk of sounding like a karen, I just wanted to throw in my voice for repairing ships being elevated in it's priority (Admittedly I have no idea how much of a priority it may or may not be) but that's why i'm wondering if I could get clarification on when we might expect it?

I mean the feature they talked about where you could bring in a broken ship and basically have those parts added to the BP of the same ship so it can be repaired to it's original state with minimal cost.

Right now the PvP meta is basically bring the cheapest thing that can fly with guns and this is because the repair tool does not really function well and we don't have the feature mentioned above. I'm getting frustrated by this because I want the meta to shift towards who's making better ships, not what's easiest build a new one of. Outside of PvP the ability to fix up a ship that's taken an asteroid to the face or even more minor damages would be a massive improvement I feel some way to repair your ship is basically a requirement in this type of game. I'm understanding were in alpha and this stuff is being worked on it's just miserable to play with out them in the mean time, more than anything just hoping to have a time frame for repairing being Fixed/Implemented

Also i'm sure some smart ass will mention building ships better for repairing and while this is a fair statement I think it's also besides the point.


Veteran endo
Jun 25, 2021
I also want that feature as I have repaired my ships a few times and more often than not I cannot bring the ship as it was due to how complicated the repair job can get. Selling a ship for scrap and buying another one seem the smarter choice for anything but minor repairs. Even taking ship apart is not worth the hassle; did it once and I'm not doing it again...


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Perhaps once we get ship ownership transfer (if it comes before the repair halls) then you could pay a mechanic to fix up your ship while you go about your business or sleep. I'm sure there are plenty of players who enjoy fixing up ships. I know I'd at least try fixing another player's ship once.