One goal with uncut videos is to show current state of the game early on and continously show more, thus also showing how our development progresses. For us it's always fun to look back for 3-6 months and see the massive progress we have made, and hopefully with enough of these videos we can also demonstrate this to our players as well.
Another important aspect is to get feedback from you guys. Which things already look cool, which needs to be improved, and so on.
I agree

. The dev ships are made for functionality and looks, but they are never intended to be anywhere near the best ships, that's intentionally left for players to design
We already support pre-set binds, but as it doesn't cover yolol this is a good point. Maybe we should inspect some sort of universal tool automation, if this proves to be something the game lacks.
You can pack building tool and some materials to a mining backpack, but that would severely reduce amount of weapons carried to fight, and of course add extra weight to the fighter in the end game (currently carried items do not transfer weight to ship I think)
We have some gunship materials too, just need to go thru them. It's indeed quite different to run inside the ship rather than just fly with a fighter.
We have planned ID broadcast system, but if you broadcast to your friends also your foes see you. It can be turned off though. We'll see how it turns out once we get tests ongoing with it.
There's a lot of optimization in the netcode and loading/unloading stuff. The "poof" happens when pilot dies and the ships host is changed to someone near, the new host gets ship without a hitch but all clients have to reload it, causing the short or not so short blink. Luckily our tech wizard has already plan for this, he just needs to find the time to fix it ..
We will add more control options, and it's also about how you configure the ship. The manual yolol editing seen in the video most likely caused this overturning, as the player hacked the ship to turn faster than what's its original programming, thus trading accuracy to faster turns. Spatha has also "aiming mode" button, which slows down turning even more, but it's not really used among more experienced pilots.
The FCU is slightly inefficient, and one symptom is constant use of maneuver thrusters. If you skip FCU, you get total control over all thrusters, but that's painful unless the ship design and pilot skills are legendary. However, effect of FCU to efficiency is minimal compared to the ease it brings, especially when ship is damaged, so I'd guess most people will opt flying with FCU.
I'm certain they will. Also the gunships in the video can take hundreds if not thousands of hits and are usually (partially) operational even after that. We just had another test and with a two-man shorthanded crew we managed to stay operational for solid 15 minutes against constant attacks from likely a total of over 20 fighters. Granted, we had friendly fighters also supporting us, but our gunship was the one being shot and rammed constantly. In the end we had exhausted all autocannon ammo and relied to hand-held bazookas, which still were pretty efficient with fighters coming too close.

I'm hoping some of that material will end up to some of our videos as well, as I and my crewmate sure had a blast!