Hello everyone, here are the progress notes of the week 11 of 2022!
This week's progress notes give an update on how the upcoming Player station features, such as the Player Ship Shops, are coming along. The last time we focused on Player stations was in week 47 of 2021. We hope that you enjoy these snippets of the Starbase development!
Sieges will be available in the PTU soon, so stay tuned for further announcements!
You can find the latest extensive overview of all items in development, including Player stations, in last week's progress notes: Starbase Progress Notes: Week 10.
Please note that the "Progress Notes" are different from the Starbase "Patch Notes". Progress Notes are snippets from the development team and what has been worked on during the previous week, and many of the features might not be present in the current or upcoming builds of the Starbase Early Access. Some features, especially in the design portion, can be subject to change as the development continues.
Starbase Progress Notes: Week 11 (2022) - Player station insight
March 14 - 18
- ❌ = Not started
- 🟡 = In progress
- ✔️ = Completed
- ➖️ = Not applicable (work not required in this phase)
Feature | Description | Design | Art | Code |
Station expansion | Station build areas can be expanded once certain volume of the previously available area is filled. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Improved Station HUD | Currently, the station HUD shows basic information about the station, like its name, class and progress towards next station expansion. More useful information will be added to the HUD with additions, such as a refined voxel volume counter and a progress bar that update in real time, as well as icons for managing station permissions. | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🟡 |
Station renaming | Players are able to rename their own stations from the station list, after which there will be a 24-hour cooldown in effect. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Claiming resigned stations | Resigned stations can be claimed by a new player by entering the station's area, and claiming it as their own via a pop-up notification. | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🟡 |
Group based station access | Allows giving and managing station access permissions based on the relationship between the players and the station owner. Access can be set separately for Friends, Company members, Group members and all players in general. | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🟡 |
Feature | Description | Design | Art | Code |
Controls guide and improved rotation for grabbed objects | When grabbing an object in Build Mode, a drop-down guide for all basic controls and keybinds appears. On top of that, the rotation system for grabbed objects has been overhauled, and will be improved further throughout the game's development. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Quick select for modules | Pointing at a module in game and pressing a specific hotkey spawns a new module of the same type for quicker building, if those types of modules are available in the player's station storage. | ✔️ | ➖️ | ✔️ |
Placing multiple objects | Players are able to easily place multiple pieces of the same module/single item in rows and columns when building, by holding the placement button after placing an object and moving the cursor in the direction of their choosing. The modules/items will automatically snap in place with the same orientation, as the first piece. | ✔️ | ➖️ | ✔️ |
Object style selection | While building, players can easily scroll through the different modules of the same type and the upcoming decoration styles for them without having to open the crafting menu or storage. | ✔️ | ➖️ | ❌ |
Furniture and decoration | New furniture blocks, like seats, benches, tables and counters, which can be used to furnish your station. New lamps, billboards and hologram projectors are also in the making. | ✔️ | 🟡 | ✔️ |
Feature | Description | Design | Art | Code |
Area validity for all station types | All types of stations have a minimum material volume required for each area to be valid like Capital Ships do (however, only Capital Ships have the effect of requiring all areas to be valid to expand). Only valid areas count towards station class and form capture zones in sieges. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Reconstruction Machine for stations | A new station version of the Reconstruction Machine. To be able to use it for respawning, you need an Endo Kit, and the machine should be connected to a generator for electricity through a Supply Conduit network. | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🟡 |
Feature | Description | Design | Art | Code |
Cable/pipe support for Blueprint Filler | A cable/pipe support for Blueprint Filler is being worked on, allowing players to auto-fill their cabling/piping. The cables/pipes will be taken directly from the player's inventory. | ✔️ | ➖️ | 🟡 |
Player Ship Shops | With the Player Ship Shops, players will be able to place their own ships for sale. At first, player-made ships would only be sold at Sunny Ship Centers, but in the future iterations of the feature, players would be able to host their own shops at their own stations. | 🟡 | ❌ | ❌ |
Increased crafting bench range | The range of crafting benches in stations will be increased to cover entire build zones. | ✔️ | ➖️ | ✔️ |
Tripods on player stations | Placing tripods and tripod weapons at Factory Halls on player stations has been implemented. | ✔️ | ➖️ | ✔️ |
Painting stations | The Paint Tool can be used to paint station parts layer by layer. Some objects, such as plates, have only one paintable layer, due to their small size. The consumption logic has also been adjusted, so that larger objects require more and smaller objects require less paint. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Hangar Halls | Hangar Halls can be used for ship spawning and despawning on your station. By adding different terminal modules to your Hangar Hall, you can also have Ship Designer and Repair Hall at your station. | ✔️ | ✔️ | 🟡 |

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