Starbase Progress Notes: Week 35 (2020)
August 24th - 28th
Hello everyone. Here are the progress notes of Week 35, hope you enjoy!
Animations and Emotes
As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!
August 24th - 28th
Hello everyone. Here are the progress notes of Week 35, hope you enjoy!
- Two versions of Urchin have been added to the Demolition Job
- Demolition Job rewards have been tested and balanced
- Refuel terminals have been added to ore towers
- Radioactive materials and trade design have been worked on
- The foundations of the Advertisement Designer were tasked
- The finalization of the Ship info page design is in the works
- Work Hub update:
- Assembly hall has been removed
- Hall for the upcoming repair job has been placed
- Platform for landing and take-off has been added
- Weapon and Ammunition -terminals' locations have been adjusted
- Take-off terminals and instancing areas have been placed to various landing platforms
- Cargo Beam devices properly update their power consumption and no longer lock onto their own structure
- Torque deadzone adaptation should now be stable also in ships with multiple FCUs
- Cables and pipes in ship blueprints can be fixed using Cable/Pipe Tool
- Cables and pipes layers have been added to blueprint tab in Universal Tool, uncategorized layer has been merged with miscellaneous layer
- Bolts, cables and pipes should no longer be worth extra credits when in stacks
- Ammo stack creation now also sets the primary material for the stack instead of leaving it invalid
- A bug with item collections not being listed in sell terminals has been fixed
- Density calculation has been fixed
- A bug with tooltips values not being initialized, causing UI to sometimes show incorrect values, has been fixed
- A bug that allowed moving ores and items too big to fit inventory slots from stations / world to the player inventory has been fixed
- Item pickup sound, when picking up items with a shortcut key, has been fixed
- Budget window now counts cables and bolts towards the total voxel volume
- An exception has been added to allow cable sockets to overlap with other objects
- Ship integrity visualization can now be toggled on/off from the button
Animations and Emotes
- Aiming at buttons/monitors animations have been improved
- New pickaxe hacking animations have been worked on
- Stop animations have been polished
- Work hub level art and holograms have been updated
- Updated Workhub sign has been added for Demolition Job
- Missing farLOD from demolish_hall found in the work_hub_station has been re-added
- Duplicate farLOD pieces found from some grid_slot_scenes have been removed
- PvP Station colors have been updated: clear team starting points and neutral areas
- Lighting has been updated in Mass Transit Corner Stop and Mass Transit Side Stop
- Legacy assets have been removed from station hall small modules and level art checked and fixed
- Level art in medium and large Spaceship Designer Halls have been updated due to legacy assets being removed
- Updated inventory icons have been added for: Sentinel Rifle, Tactical Shotgun and Grenade Launcher
- Empty shell asset has been created for Long Rifle
- Mining Saw spark texture has been worked on and electrical arc reload effect has been added
- Updated mining backpack texturing is in progress
- Mesh and textures have been created for blueprint projector asset

As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!
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