Starbase Progress Notes: Week 35 (2021)

Jun 11, 2021
Hey, good update, but when you encode data in colour form you should also have it encoded in another way to help with those with colour blindness (such as a triangle/square/circle system). You fixed the red-green issue but now you might find those with Tritanomaly will have issues (blue-green). GMT did a good video about it here:
Looking out for the 0.02% of the population hu?lol
Its fine, those 2/1000 people can watch kenators update video.


Aug 9, 2019
I really like the blueprint projection and ship assembly.
Just don't forget that some of our ship have 9000+ pieces. With 5 seconds by piece, it's around 14 hours to assembly a ship.
Not sure that everyone can let the computer run for 14 hours and what will happens if the user unload during the process?
And also in term of gameplay, will people enjoy having to wait for so long. (because you will have to stay for 14h near the ship)
It's planned to work also without any sophistication (ie. like on the video), but then it's just slow. The better way includes for example placing parts (with automation) much closer to their intended places, thus reducing assembly speed. Other ship factory improvement would be designing modular assembly line (one blueprint projector doing only certain piece of the ship).

Will the bolts used for filled parts match those of the blueprint or those of auto-bolt? Auto-bolt has issues in many cases, to state it short.
Yes, it uses the blueprint for bolt locations.

Just got to be careful you don't enable people to start opening ship shop purchased ships into the designer again!
We'll be careful!

That is indeed an interesting question. I thought our factory halls would be the place where this is assembled, and that it was an automated process where we didn't have to be present. I dunno wether that is true though. But that brings to mind what is the thought behind the atmosphere mining and stuff, do we need to be near the moonbases for that stuff to work too, or can we fly around and come back to full "tanks" or whatever?
Upcoming atmo pumps will work without player presence. So it's passive resource gain from stations, which you just need to defend against attackers.

How much of the moon surface will be pvp enabled? We will be able to eventually siege moon bases?
Everything except the city proximity. Bases outside that can be sieged eventully, but station siege comes first.

Stations expansion good, station ship spawner when? ))
SSC at player stations is high on our list. It will also include despawning/spawning ships at player stations.

very nice looking. Im wondering about the welding, and bolting of ships in this process.. do we still need to manually weld and bolt? i have issues in game with bolting, because of the lack of bolt quantity i like to use on plates to increase durability, and also to make it "uniform" as in, not only stronger, but neater. I dont like autobolt unless its with modules. it does well with modules. If there was a way we could further control the autobolting process, that would be awesome imo.
Welding is automatic. Bolts are placed automatically based on where they are located in the blueprint.

Oh wow; those blueprint chips look awesome! Will it ever be possible to make limited production chips? (for example, after 10x the volume of the original ship is printed with limited production chip, the chip would delete itself/become blank)

This way it would be possible for builders to make a profit entirely from selling blueprint chips of their designs. It would also make unlimited production chips far more valuable (I imagine wars would be started over them)
I think this would be a good addition to the secure blueprint, or most likely a third type: secure, limited edition blueprint. Just need to figure out the details ...
Sep 6, 2021
I really hope there are a lot of different Blueprint-Chips, from the top of my head I can think of quite a löt of options that I as someone that sells ships would be interested in. Like some of these for example:
  • Bp's with uneditable/ readable Yolo Chips/ only certain types being editable/ readable
  • Bp's with a time limit
  • Bp's that can be changed automatically by changing a Master BP
  • Bp's with limited uses per time (i.E. 5 times a week)
  • Bp's that slowly accumulate uses up to a certain limit
  • Bp's that only allow to change cosmetics (i.E. colors, decals) or materials
  • Heck, even company-specific BP's, that can only be used by being in that company ....
I really hope some of those make it into the game ^^


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
I hope all ship shop ships are fully SSC capable, fixing some of them even just for more/better thrusters is a 12 hour trial for three people working on the same ship. Its an insane undertaking, and I feel that if someone put a ship in an origin shipshop, they should know that every player in the game will see it, and know how it works. Protect the creators by preventing reuploads by embedding a crypto signiture of the original author, but users should be allowed to modify a ship in the SSC if it came from shipshops on origin. Its just bad user experience if they cant.


Well-known endo
Aug 10, 2019
I really like the blueprint projection and ship assembly.
Just don't forget that some of our ship have 9000+ pieces. With 5 seconds by piece, it's around 14 hours to assembly a ship.
Not sure that everyone can let the computer run for 14 hours and what will happens if the user unload during the process?
And also in term of gameplay, will people enjoy having to wait for so long. (because you will have to stay for 14h near the ship)
just know that this is for the easy varient of factories. the hard varient is more faster. and involves robot arms


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
We'll be careful!
Excellent! please do!

Welding is automatic. Bolts are placed automatically based on where they are located in the blueprint.
Best news I've heard all week!

I think this would be a good addition to the secure blueprint, or most likely a third type: secure, limited edition blueprint. Just need to figure out the details ...
please do consider this, it's actually a good thing in my opinion.

I really hope there are a lot of different Blueprint-Chips, from the top of my head I can think of quite a löt of options that I as someone that sells ships would be interested in. Like some of these for example:
  • Bp's with uneditable/ readable Yolo Chips/ only certain types being editable/ readable
  • Bp's with a time limit
  • Bp's that can be changed automatically by changing a Master BP
  • Bp's with limited uses per time (i.E. 5 times a week)
  • Bp's that slowly accumulate uses up to a certain limit
  • Bp's that only allow to change cosmetics (i.E. colors, decals) or materials
  • Heck, even company-specific BP's, that can only be used by being in that company ....
I really hope some of those make it into the game ^^
I don't think chips with a time limit provide any meaningful gameplay., auto updating chips kinda kills the resale value of the original maker putting in effort to update whatever the blueprint is for.
company specific blueprints has been a feature the devs have said they are doing for some time, but we don't know if it will be tied to free BP chips for the company or through the company system somehow, its been a long time since w3e got an update on how it will work since it needed blueprint security to be put in place first, but it is coming!
Aug 24, 2021
oh wow, i thought the robot arms were antiquated or not relevant to the 3d printing mechanics. the potential for optimizations is completely crazy. industry players gonna be doing some wacky stuff to optimize build rates.

and new territory for ship designers, trying to standardize the parts they use in their ships to make production simpler


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
@LauriFB can you give us any insight on what we will do about getting ships we own to the moon that can't have a warp drive placed on it? i plan on moving to the moon belt for a permanent residency and i got some fighters id love to bring with me but i have no idea on how i can get them there without the warp drive.

my favorite fighter is designed in a way that gives no space for the device.


Aug 10, 2021
I think this would be a good addition to the secure blueprint, or most likely a third type: secure, limited edition blueprint. Just need to figure out the details ...
I believe that would be an essential blueprint chip type.

However if it is to be used with this step-by-step assembly process then it cannot require the factory hall to be set up specific to the ship in order to reach an acceptable assembly speed. It should just work out of the box. Care also needs to be taken to account for the fact that players can stop the process. It'll need to handle pausing and resuming, and not let players circumvent a limited-run count by stopping assembly before the ship is fully completed.

Perhaps just have the limited-run chips come with an unseen percentage of parts limit that includes an error margin appropriate for any chance of disruption. For example a limit of 120% of the number of parts required for one print, 420% for for four prints, etc.
May 27, 2020
@LauriFB can you give us any insight on what we will do about getting ships we own to the moon that can't have a warp drive placed on it? i plan on moving to the moon belt for a permanent residency and i got some fighters id love to bring with me but i have no idea on how i can get them there without the warp drive.

my favorite fighter is designed in a way that gives no space for the device.
Warp capable Capital Ships are coming in October(if everything goes as planned). You will be able to warp your stored stuff(ships, ores, items, etc...) along with those capitals. So you will be able to move a whole base/station if you have enough storage on your capital ship.


Well-known endo
Aug 9, 2019
Looking out for the 0.02% of the population hu?lol
Its fine, those 2/1000 people can watch kenators update video.
It is estimated that one percent of males and females have Tritanopia. So that alone is 1/100 people. If you include all of the various colour blindness it is closer to 1 in 12 males and 1 in 200 females.
Jun 11, 2021
It is estimated that one percent of males and females have Tritanopia. So that alone is 1/100 people. If you include all of the various colour blindness it is closer to 1 in 12 males and 1 in 200 females.
lol sounds like a guess, I actually looked it up before replying.
Feb 20, 2021
So happy with the progress so far. Will we have to worry about our projectors disappearing from our stations? There are still some issues with objects saving and or bolting/attaching properly. I myself am only left with crafting tables after putting time into creating a crafting room inside my factory hall.
Mar 19, 2021
That's great! I love the blueprint projector and the assembling process.
- Will the possibility to craft custom material plates and beams on the craft-bench come with those new features? Many blueprints have charodium plates for example. So, to assemble such a ship you must have those in the storage.
- Can ships also be disassembeld this way?


Well-known endo
Aug 10, 2019
That's great! I love the blueprint projector and the assembling process.
- Will the possibility to craft custom material plates and beams on the craft-bench come with those new features? Many blueprints have charodium plates for example. So, to assemble such a ship you must have those in the storage.
- Can ships also be disassembeld this way?
ship salvaging is done through mechanical arm chopping. salvage collectors and the furnace. along with atmospheric refinement to convert the dissassembled ship gases into sorted materials. there is a loss to this. but just know that what you are referring to is recycling, not reusing. as for plates that use different materials. there will be 3D printers n arm tools to deal with this. the 3D printers basically print parts that were on the BP chip. so if the BP chip contains data of charodium plates, it will print those out for the projector and arms