Please note that the "Progress Notes" are different from the Starbase "Patch Notes". Progress Notes are snippets from the development team and what has been worked on during the previous week, and many of the features might not be present in the current or upcoming builds of the Starbase Early Access. Some features, especially in the design portion, can be subject to change as the development continues.
Moon Bases & Mining - Status Update
Time flies and we are already in October, but there's still no Moon Bases or Moon Mining on the live side. You're probably wondering why, even though we were targeting late September for these next big updates. Here's a rundown of where these two features are in terms of progress:
❌ = Not started
🟡 = In progress
☑️ = Completed
Moon Bases
Mining ore in moons
On the PTU side, Moon Bases can be built, but similar to normal player stations they still have some bugs that need to be ironed out. The moon surface is mineable, but the deformation only shows to the miner and not others, and the progress is not permanent yet. We are mainly working on the backend server implementation that will allow moon mining to create persistent holes in the surface that will also be synced with everyone. Once that is done and the other configurations are made, we should be ready with Moon Mining to be pushed out to the live side.
It's an unfortunate second delay for Moon Mining & Bases, as we know you're all anxious to get your hands on new content. Once this does hit the live servers, new and previously unobtainable ore materials will also become available so it should be worth the wait!
Note: This is a delay to Moon Mining & Bases, but not necessarily the other big features like Capital Ships and Station Siege. In fact, we'll have some more news soon...

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