Station Designer Suggestions

Mar 9, 2022
After using the current station designer for 300+ hours I noticed a few aspects the designer is still missing or need to be improved.

Overview of points:
  1. Additional color
  2. Unlimited object placment
  3. Priority snap point
  4. Toggle visibility/locked subfolders
  5. Narrow decal rework
  6. Grouping objects
  7. Manual snapping tool
  8. Matching colour scheme, decal/parts texture mismacthing
  9. Some ship plates inside the designer
  10. More station parts
Points are sorted from less to most important

Let's start with additional color.
Currently there is no color that lays between gray and black.
If someone wants to have a darker surfaces, walls, ect. there is no fitting color.
Black is well black, no detail can be seen and it peaks out to much. Then there is gray what is to bright to be an pleasant dark color.
Means, having the color dark gray inside the default color template would be fabulous for good looking designs.

Another point is unlimited placment of objects.
Right now we can only place objects by snapping them to exsisting objects and rotate objects only if they are moving.
If it would be the same way it is inside the SSC then it would become easier to build and plan stations.
When wanting to place a couple of different objects, for seeing how they look and if they would fit here or not, they all have to be placed onto something first and getting each objects snap to a different object is a waste of time. When we could place them first and then decide if we want to use it or not, would mean less time spent on snapping an object that will get likely deleted again.

Next would be priority snap points but I will keep that for later, it makes more sense to talk about it after grouping. It relays on this feature.

Now talk about visibility and locked features for folders.
In the SSC we have the ability to toggle the visibility of folders making it possible to see through objects and with locking giving us the option to only select a certain group of object.
For the station designer, we have none of those options.
From my experience looking through objects could help to orientate semself and easier check if only the wanted parts were selected or something is missing.
For locking folders, this would become usefull if we could also lock subfolders.
One example would (given beams and basic stations parts are in seperate folders, they aren't currently) be when wanting to select decoration on beams, something like the one we can find on origin, this would speed up the selection progress. (There is something that would it speed up even more but more on that later)

Let continue with a biger point, narrow decal rework.
As of now the variety of narrow decal use is limited, if the target is to keep it looking good by avoiding overlapping decals.
I went around some dev stations to see how the narrow decal is used there and found that there is a need for more variety.
Many overlapping, strectched decals were found:


So I created some texture ideas of what is needed. Used normal map colors because they clearly communicate the shape idea.


I then played around a bit what combinations would be possible by combining the basic textures.


There are still more possible combinations out there but in my opinion, those above would likely be the most usefull ones.
Also the rounded narrow and the convex narrow should stay, but rework there textures to fit the above onces, makes aligning easier.

Anyways, the next point is about grouping.
It's an essential tool, without it anything take way longer. Still we don't have it.
I speculate the dificulty that stopped it's addition was the saving option, might be wrong here.
But I think we don't need this option for now. There is a way to coppy modules from station A to station B. Coppy the module in station planner -> go back to station designer -> paste module there.
Back to groups, with groups building huge stations would be way easier and less time intense.
If a mistake happens selecting hundreds or thousands of objects would be faster. (Once had to delete 15k+ objects because autosnapping wasn't doing it's job properly)
Groups have another opportunity combined with priority snap points. A priority snap point is a virtual object (similar to the green group object) that can be placed like any other object and freely moved around or snapped to an object if wannted. It should have one snappoint in it's centre.
However if part of a group, when trying to snap this group only the priority snap is taken into consideration and it can then also only snap to other priority snap points. For example, if a group of 200 objects and two priority snap points, the game would only has to check possible snap possibilities for those two snap points, resulting in a beter framerate.
With those two features, dedicated players could, in therory, rebuild those old alpha station modules that were so loved by many alpha players. (That's what it feels like to me from what I heard here and there)

To make grouping even better, we must have manual snapping. (We must have it either way)
Selecting a snappoint with one click and snaping it with another click were we want to have it, amazing result with just two clicks. Easy to use, fast, no patience meltdown. (I have a module were snapping it in place is possible but oh boy that's no fun - I snap it somewere else first and then move it in 2 dimensions were I want it to be but even this is tricky)
This would also help avoiding auto snap errors, sometimes it's snapping a module 2cm away from were it should be, resulting in a 2cm gab or moving objects into each other. (Later was the reason I had to delete 15k+ objects)
Combining this with priority snap points would be superior in terms of productivity.

The next point is a problem I encounterd when using ship parts and decals.
I noticed that the texture of station parts is darker than ship parts. The result is that decals aren't practical useable and ship parts don't look good if combined with station parts.
First is on ship plates, second on station plates, same color used.


I thought how this could be fixed and came up with two options.
  • A.
    Making the station object texture brighter to match the ship plates texture or replacing it by the ship plate texture. But this has likely a major flaw, all exsisting stations including dev stations would look different maybe worse. That's because currently on dev stations ship plates are painted in a different color to somewhat match station colors. This brute force method would end up ruining the station look if the textures are changed.
  • B.
    Coppying a selected amount of ship plates, changing thier texture to the station part texture, so that they match each other. Also applying the same to decals, so that they too match the scheme. This way would be the most work intense but would not break anything major that stands agains this decision. Decal work could be imported through ways into the station designer, no problem there.
Looking at those two options, B seems to be more wise to choose and less problematic in the long run.

On the point of adding ship plates to the station designer.
When locking at dev stations I noticed that a lot of ship plates were used for detailed decoration, I assume because they are smaller than most station objects, in general allow more freedom during decoration. (I do the same on my current station)
Based on those founds I went trough all ship parts that would fit to be added to the station designer. Those added parts would idealy recive the treatment of matching textures, option B in my previos point.
  • Plate Basic 12x24 cm
  • Plate Basic 12x36 cm
  • Plate Basic 12x48 cm
  • Plate Basic 12x72 cm
  • Plate Basic 12x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 12x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x24 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x36 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x48 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x72 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 24x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 36x36 cm
  • Plate Basic 36x48 cm
  • Plate Basic 36x72 cm
  • Plate Basic 36x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 36x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 48x48 cm
  • Plate Basic 48x72 cm
  • Plate Basic 48x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 48x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 60x60 cm
  • Plate Basic 72x72 cm
  • Plate Basic 72x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 72x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 96x96 cm
  • Plate Basic 96x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 96x240 cm
  • Plate Basic 96x432 cm
  • Plate Basic 144x144 cm
  • Plate Basic 144x288 cm
  • Plate Basic 144x432 cm
  • Plate Basic 192x192 cm
  • Plate Basic 432x432 cm

  • Plate Corner 108x108x108 cm (Curved)
  • Plate Curved 108x108x12 cm
  • Plate Curved 108x108x24 cm
  • Plate Curved 108x108x48 cm
  • Plate Curved 108x108x72 cm
  • Plate Curved 108x108x96 cm
  • Plate Curved End 108x108x12 cm

  • Plate Triangle 24x24x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 24x48x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 48x48x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 48x72x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 48x96x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 48x144x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 72x72x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 72x144x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 96x144x12 cm
  • Plate Triangle 144x144x12 cm

  • Decorative Railing 12 cm
  • Decorative Railing 36 cm
  • Decorative Railing 72 cm
  • Decorative Railing 120 cm
  • Decorative Railing 144 cm Angled 14°
  • Decorative Railing 144 cm Angled 27°
  • Decorative Railing 179 cm - Note: Please fix it to a lenght off 180cm, otherwise it's useless.
  • Decorative Railing 216 cm Angled 27°
  • Railing Base
  • Railing Corner 45°
  • Railing Corner 45° (T-Shaped)
  • Railing Corner 90°
  • Railing Corner 90° (T-Shaped)
  • Railing Intersection (T-Shaped)
  • Railing Intersection 45°
  • Railing Intersection 90° - Note: Shouldn't it be named 180° when the other is named 45° or without 90° degree.

Lastly, more station parts.
When locking at dev station I noticed that there a way more decorative plates then we currently have access to.
Having those parts would increase the option to decorate a station, resulting in more variation, and less repetive use of parts.
I know that there are also new decoration objects but my problem with those is that they don't match the existing style, I tried to use them but It didn't blended in good enough.
I allready wrote a post about this last year including a list of what I found, post link:

To come to an end.
The backbone of Starbase's future is severely lacking.

~ OrchideeFan944
Last edited:
Mar 9, 2022
An example where priority snap points would help. (Imagine those cubes are priority snap points)

Curently, if the amount of total snap points crosses a certain limit, snapping won't work. (I don't the exact limit but a group with around 200 parts are snapable)