since the primary colors are used for the tiers , it would be cool is secondary colors are used for variants
. here are some ideas
Thrusters bodies:
purple, more power use slightly less prop
orange, more prop use little less power
green, faster increase(0-100 faster), less max power
Thrusters nozzles:
purple, slightly more efficient less max power
orange, slight power increase needs coolant
green, widder, longer exhaust and higher corrosive damage
Maneuver thruster:
purple, lees prop used, lower max power
orange, slight power increase needs coolant
green, faster increase(0-100 faster), less max power
Generator unit:
purple, takes less coolant, will fluctuate in power production
orange, more coolant, more power will explode
green, can consume prop as coolant, takes more coolant
Fuel chamber
purple, can produce some power, only supports two units
orange, consun=mes a little faster, has a chance to explode if the rod empties while in
green, can overcharge temp(more power), will corrode nearby items during this, lower max
purple, better at lower power ( worse at high)
orange, little bit better takes coolant
green, better at higher power ( worse at low)
purple, 2 less lines can be locked with password
orange, one less line has one memory line
green, some corrosive resit more power intake
Flight control unit
purple, stores a little power
orange, stores some coolant
green, some corrosive resit more power intake
any other ideas?
Thrusters bodies:
purple, more power use slightly less prop
orange, more prop use little less power
green, faster increase(0-100 faster), less max power
Thrusters nozzles:
purple, slightly more efficient less max power
orange, slight power increase needs coolant
green, widder, longer exhaust and higher corrosive damage
Maneuver thruster:
purple, lees prop used, lower max power
orange, slight power increase needs coolant
green, faster increase(0-100 faster), less max power
Generator unit:
purple, takes less coolant, will fluctuate in power production
orange, more coolant, more power will explode
green, can consume prop as coolant, takes more coolant
Fuel chamber
purple, can produce some power, only supports two units
orange, consun=mes a little faster, has a chance to explode if the rod empties while in
green, can overcharge temp(more power), will corrode nearby items during this, lower max
purple, better at lower power ( worse at high)
orange, little bit better takes coolant
green, better at higher power ( worse at low)
purple, 2 less lines can be locked with password
orange, one less line has one memory line
green, some corrosive resit more power intake
Flight control unit
purple, stores a little power
orange, stores some coolant
green, some corrosive resit more power intake
any other ideas?
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