What are the advantages of YOLOL over the existing langs?

Nov 19, 2020
I understand that it's too late, but I think many players feel same. Coding experience on some other language likely is useful for easy learning and fast scripting, but it will be most useful when writing in a some modern and popular lang and most easy to jump into scripting when players already know that lang. For popular languages, exists notepads with code lighting and full-featured IDEs, which makes it much easier for players (especially with big code).

Of course, probably exists reasons for creating your own language, it would be interesting to know about them.
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Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Here are a few reasons I can think of:
  1. YOLOL's syntax for addressing device fields is clear and short ( :fire1=1 rather than device.weapon1.fire(1))
  2. YOLOL is intended to be written in-game to match with the "physical" theme of the rest of the game
  3. The main reason is probably accessibility to those inexperienced to programming. So, those that know some languages already can learn (and will likely learn faster than those whom have never programmed), and new programmers are given a limited introduction to programming without being weighed down by the formalities of traditional languages.
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Nov 19, 2020
I noticed that the syntax of the language is somewhat verbose, were preferred to use a pair of curly brackets, words with several letters are used.
Also, there are points that can be more similarity to obfuscation than to ease of understanding.

(I already have experience in several different languages, so I have something to compare with)
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Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Yeah, I see that too, there is some of that verbosity, particularly in the if-then-else-end statements. However, at least in this case, I think it is to make the language more accessible. For more experienced programmers, there are often more dense ways around the verbose statements using fundamental operations.