Unless I've missed something in the feature videos, it doesn't look like ammo storage has been shown, at least not explicitly.
Obviously it has been shown that ammo drums need to be attached to turrets, but what about when those drums run dry? Do you refill the magazine? Do you replace the entire ammo drum? I'm assuming that at the very least projectile weapons require you to carry physical ammo for them to use and don't just run off power.
Should spare ammo have it's own storage system separate to crates? Can you connect ammo storage directly to weapon systems for easier reload?
Would all ammo storage explode when damaged (like propellant and reactors) or only explosive varieties?
Has a feature video already addressed all this and I'm just totally ignorant of it?
Obviously it has been shown that ammo drums need to be attached to turrets, but what about when those drums run dry? Do you refill the magazine? Do you replace the entire ammo drum? I'm assuming that at the very least projectile weapons require you to carry physical ammo for them to use and don't just run off power.
Should spare ammo have it's own storage system separate to crates? Can you connect ammo storage directly to weapon systems for easier reload?
Would all ammo storage explode when damaged (like propellant and reactors) or only explosive varieties?
Has a feature video already addressed all this and I'm just totally ignorant of it?