Yes, the chips can communicate with other chips through device fields and alter each other's running state that way. There's also a field in the chip that allows pausing its execution from another chip/device. However, YOLOL doesn't currently support user-made functions.
Don't they have all of the characteristics of a private function? I could pass a value in to one and read the output without knowing anything about the code the chip is running. If you keep going with this analogy aren't yolol networks practically namespaces?
How far does this analogy go? If I physically tap a yolol network, for instance, how much of it can I snoop? Do I have immediate access to all of its vars or do I need to explicitly call for a variable to read/change it? Are there any security measures that would prevent me from hotwiring an existing network in this manner or are these systems deliberately insecure to encourage secure physical network designs?
What about transmitters and recievers? Do I receive transmissions in plain English and need to implement my own primitive encryption, or is there a handshake system? How easy is it for me to spoof transmitter traffic? Can I just rename my transmitter and echo to confuse a receiver? How does a reciever react to the same transmission coming from two identically named transmitters? Is breaking someone's coordinate system as easy as writing echo scripts?