wont be able to finish my station... yet?

Aug 25, 2021
i have a proplem i wanted to build a station like from elite dangerous a inner drum with landing pads and factorys as an octagon each site would be 200m x 800m how ever in the images you can see that i already build about 15% of one ends frame and just to see how big it gets i started building the first of 8 arms apperently after about 380-400m the station turns into an Lod or clay an i cant weld any more beams onto the station the other proplem i have is since we only have factory modules and no factory parts i cant build any factorys on the arms so yeah and befor i forget it i already build past my stations safe zone any ideas if any of the proplems getting changed in the future i mean they said that cap ship can get to severl kilometers so in oder to build one that size you would need a even bigger station

