Recent content by Phylast

  1. Phylast

    Last Oasis and Starbase

    Luna Corp planned to give a laundry list of challenges that we've had managing a community and the difficulties we had without having the typical tools to assist with that management. I figured it would be more useful to open a discussion here about those challenges and learn from more...
  2. Phylast

    Zen and the Art of Spaceship Maintenance

    This week's progress notes video show casing a ship embarking for the moon really nails how the game can be relaxing. It's thrilling to realize how exciting this entire process is going to be. Gathering, planning, building, and even defending a safe area to construct such a ship is a big...
  3. Phylast

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 12 (2020)

    So exciting!
  4. Phylast

    Luna Corp. - Let's Play Amongst the Stars

    Yeah, we're enjoying the creativity and hype-train. More to come!
  5. Phylast

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 4

    Is anyone else really excited to "paint" targets for the torpedos?
  6. Phylast

    Learning from past successes and failures

    What are everyone's opinion about Elite Dangerous's approach of having private servers to play the game? I get that ED is closer to a traditional mmo, but the different servers really takes the high stakes interactions away from most players unless they opt in. Could the developers have made...
  7. Phylast

    Learning from past successes and failures

    I agree the culture of the game and the tolerance/ prevalence for toxicity has a profound effect on the player base and if an individual will return to or give a game a chance. The length or limits of interactions as well as the ability to disrupt how a person plays a game, whether through...
  8. Phylast

    Learning from past successes and failures

    The forums have discussed a lot about incentives to go to war and theorized about crisis of conflict with scarce resources, but I would like to discuss some of the collective knowledge about the success and failures of previous games and what led to them. All games have a natural flux of active...
  9. Phylast

    Space mines

    I hope creating minefields becomes more difficult for any reason than what it seems to be currently. Or at least delay the ability for minefields to be a thing until the game has developed it's own legs and presence. Anything that deters people from playing the game is a slippery slope.
  10. Phylast

    Crisis of Conflict: Is there a reason to go to war in Starbase?

    Besides comparing time spent to how FPS games give positive stimulus for shooting people in their games, most FPS games do have earned rewards for shooting enemies that can be spent to better your character or profile. If we're only considering the intrinsic value of FPS games and the act of...
  11. Phylast

    Greetings everyone!

    Do you plan to play Starbase, and if so what are you looking forward to in the game?
  12. Phylast

    Crazy old builder

    Even something like the Borg Cube can be fantastical as we've seen it been done. I'm also extremely excited to enjoy what Starbase has to offer and being creative with ships and structures.
  13. Phylast

    Phylast and better living

    Hello! I'm a co-founder of Luna Corporation. My buddies and I are very excited to hit the ground running in Starbase and have been spreading awareness about Starbase in various mediums. I prefer to make more personable connections and chat with people in discord. Friend or foe, I'm looking...