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  1. Henkka77

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 43

    Thanks for the Trine Code. ;) @ElluFB @VenlaFB
  2. Henkka77

    Dev diaries

    Yup, i have subbed to Kenetor's channel. Good stuff. Thanks for the consideration of my suggestion, couldnt ask for more. :)
  3. Henkka77

    o7 from Finland

    Hi all, Been here since forums launched so i guess i could tell something about myself. About me: Name: Henkka77 (I have used this very same name in every online game since 2002. Yeah, i lack imagination..) Age: 42 Location: Finland Occupation: electrician Family: wife, 2 kids (4 and 6 yrs...
  4. Henkka77

    Dev diaries

    o7 I would like to see some sort of development diaries in video form. People love to watch those and since your development is very open anyways, it would be a great addition. And since some people in Discord argued that those are away from development time, i can assure you that one few...
  5. Henkka77

    Registration to the game

    Starbase Discord most likely. Also, closed alpha is public information, has been mentioned in many places by FB devs
  6. Henkka77

    At what point would a company be decided has a faction?

    An educated guess, it depends on member count.
  7. Henkka77

    Are robots good?

    Be good to robots, or else..
  8. Henkka77

    What real/fictional ships will serve as your inspiration.

    Elite: Dangerous ships might get some love from me. :)
  9. Henkka77

    30 Person Developer Battle

    Here's the place for suggestions:
  10. Henkka77

    30 Person Developer Battle

    What's to understand? They are demoing the space fight, simple as that.
  11. Henkka77

    Are robots good?

  12. Henkka77

    Trine 4!

    Good luck with Trine 4! Sadly, not my kind of genre but i'm always rooting for Finnish game industry. ;)
  13. Henkka77

    Npc humans as slaves

    I read from the FAQ that you have tried using human characters in Starbase, which didnt work out eventually. But, you probably do have the models saved somewhere, you could use them as npc slave workers for the robot factions.. They could be just like generic background, as non-interactable...
  14. Henkka77

    30 Person Developer Battle

    Caught my eye too, cracked me up. :D
  15. Henkka77

    Muro Independents - Starbasea suomeksi *Finnish players only*

    Muro Independents - Starbasea suomeksi Taustaa: Mikä Muro Independents? Pelaajaryhmämme sai alkunsa kesällä 2016 MuroBBS-foorumin Elite: Dangerous-ketjussa, kun päätimme pistää pystyyn Discordin pienen porukan yhteydenpitovälineeksi yhteisiä pelisessioita helpottamaan. Elitessä...