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  1. Saltylelele

    The fall of Kingdom and Empire

    Maybe it goes as a starter faction where you branch out from?
  2. Saltylelele

    930 incorporated

    Oh hello there Argentavian Federation Company :D
  3. Saltylelele

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    Hell yeah, I agree with you
  4. Saltylelele

    Owning more than 1 whole block?

    I hope they use the same system as EVE Online for the station safety. They use invulnerability windows where the players can specify a certain time where they are most active and make the station vulnerable.
  5. Saltylelele

    The fall of Kingdom and Empire

    It sounds pretty interesting
  6. Saltylelele

    Steel Space Division - A sub-company of the Argentavian Federation

    Steel Space Division Steel Space Division (SSD for short) is a sub-company of the Argentavian Federation. We mainly focus on Mining and Production. Benefits Since we are part of the Argentavian Federation we have access to all their federal services including an internal market, a wiki with...
  7. Saltylelele

    [Tool] Yoloxide Web: a mostly functional web-based Yolol emulator!

    Lets hope, it does look pretty promising
  8. Saltylelele

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    Thats true, but the big players will be clear soon enough anyway and I will prob be making alot of the code in-house
  9. Saltylelele

    About ship's moving parts

    I am just imagining some sort of ship with like retractable stuff and maybe rotating beams etc
  10. Saltylelele

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    The code market will be interesting
  11. Saltylelele

    Salt here - o7

    Hello, Kinda new to the forum, but have been active in the Starbase media and have my own sub-corporation Steel Space Division. I guess I'll see everyone around here
  12. Saltylelele

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    Its still kinda hard to see it, but how does everyone see the Industry in Starbase (except mining)?
  13. Saltylelele

    [Poll] What Kind of Player Are You?

    Got to be the industry and management side of the game. Like keeping track of your production line etc.
  14. Saltylelele

    Half the people on this forum right now

    This is fact
  15. Saltylelele

    Wings or no wings

    Idk really. It might look nice for some, but for others it could be useless