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  1. Morrgard

    Wicca is the name - Fun is the game

    If this is the case then I'm pretty sure your freeport will work out well! Just be sure to get a trustworthy crew so nobody tries to steal from you and you should be set!
  2. Morrgard

    Half the people on this forum right now

    If thats the case you could try bringing it to the developers attention by making a thread in the help/feedback/suggestions topics, would be nice to get this sorted
  3. Morrgard

    Your ship of choice?

    Haha yes, the space scooter :P I remember I spoke about you with ships and ship designs yesterday, I let Stone know you may possibly be interested in some external ship designs :) He has signed up as a contractor for making ship designs, maybe you will get along!
  4. Morrgard

    Greetings Starbase Community!

    Greetings friend! Hope to see you a lot over the forum!
  5. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Ohhh they most certainly will. There will be so many player designs made that will vary so much in design type, size and functionality that there will most likely be an abundance to choose from!
  6. Morrgard

    Let's Make the Forum's Biggest Check-In Thread

    I would imagine a lot of threads will go on a long time haha, I don't think that l be a problem
  7. Morrgard

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I believe they will be necessary unless they rather opt for DLC's But as long as Cosmetics don't give you any benefits and they are strictly cosmetics, I would not have any problem with them either. It would be an ice way to show appreciation to FB and help them out and further fund Starbase...
  8. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Thing is this combat will take place from all directions. Not thinking about that though, I'm just saying ships will have anti defences, and you want the ships to preferably be specialized rather than too heavy for its class with bombs etc I don't doubt it would be effective however if you just...
  9. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    That is fighters though, you would most likely want bombers if you want to damage enemy larger ships, fighters as escorts. If you are in the middle of a fight and you are going for it I reckon it could go well. (assuming there are larger support vessels to the fighter and bombers on the go)
  10. Morrgard

    CMDR Mci strapped in and ready to fly!

    Hey there! Welcome to the forums, good luck!
  11. Morrgard

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I understand why you would want microtransactions but also why you would be against it. In the case, there are microtransactions I really hope it would be cosmetic ONLY and nothing that changes the game in any way by purchasing an item other than visual appearances. And even so I think all...
  12. Morrgard

    What kinds of ships are you going to be building?

    That is if there is a workshop yes. I would like to see a more in-game market for blueprints though, like purchasing rights to a blueprint from their original creator, or "patent" rights for certain designs allowing re-distribution and selling of said blueprints
  13. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Except those are really small targets, may be hard to hit them accurately, as for the hardpoint's that may be easier, but the powerlines do not sound too easy to hit whilst in combat and already dodging enemy fire. But definitely something that you could do
  14. Morrgard

    What kinds of ships are you going to be building?

    Plenty of companies and industries that are willing to let you buy designs off their hands or request them, so that's all good for ya
  15. Morrgard

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    I like that, that would be really nice to see
  16. Morrgard

    Let's Make the Forum's Biggest Check-In Thread

    It's kinda unclear, either hype or "attendance" i think
  17. Morrgard

    I'm new here...

    Your welcome! Enjoy :)
  18. Morrgard

    Hello everyone o/

    Hello everyone haha, Welcome to the forums!
  19. Morrgard

    [UESC] United Earth Space Corps [Recrutment : Open]

    Thank you! Much appreciated. :)
  20. Morrgard

    My Ship Data Screen

    This is looking really good! Keep it up