Search results

  1. Strite

    This game is going to be awesome.

    Yes, yes it is!
  2. Strite

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Quite happy to stick with smaller, specialist ships personally. I'm generally a specialist pilot in these types of games anyway. I flew recon in EVE Online for years, long after my Corp buddies had all advanced to larger ships for pew pew. I flew mostly combat recon (Curse was my baby) but did a...
  3. Strite

    All your starbases are belong to me!

    How's it going guys? Like everyone else here, I'm super hyped for Starbase and am looking forward to getting into the great nothing and setting off some fireworks! I'm a bit of a forum whore so expect to see me around a fair bit over the coming weeks/months. Looking forward to getting to know...