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  1. Strite

    The Godhand | Mature, International PvP community

    Update - Added our application form to the OP.
  2. Strite

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I'm of the opinion that cosmetic MTX are fine for the most part these days. MMO's are evolving, many players are disillusioned with paying ongoing monthly subscriptions but servers still cost money to run so developers need a sustainable source of revenue. Microtransactions are the obvious "go...
  3. Strite

    The Godhand | Mature, International PvP community

    What can I say? I've noticed that the older I get, the lower my tolerance for young 'uns :p I've become ageist! I make no apologies :LOL:
  4. Strite

    What are your plans upon release?

    Or just hunting people. ;)
  5. Strite

    The Godhand | Mature, International PvP community

    If you know, you know... :cry:
  6. Strite

    The Godhand | Mature, International PvP community

    You'll always have a seat at our hearth Skylord <3
  7. Strite

    The Godhand | Mature, International PvP community

    About Us The Godhand are a mature, International community with a lust for PvP. Comprising of a core group of members who have played a range of games together, we'll be focusing on small gang warfare, guerilla tactics and small scale piracy in Starbase. Our goals are pretty humble, we're not...
  8. Strite

    No Man's Sky Beyond is looking really great. [Aug 14th Release]

    I'm looking forward to it. It had a really rough launch but fair play to Hello Games for continuing to support it, it's a completely different game to the one that launched 3 years ago.
  9. Strite

    How do I get Points?

    You already have 3 so you're doing something right! Isn't it just based on likes?
  10. Strite

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    I agree with this. Seeing smaller ships get shredded like paper wasn't particularly surprising, but in the most recent vid seeing larger vessels crumple so easily was a little concerning.
  11. Strite

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    So, for your title does skylord still suffice or would you prefer starlord? ;)
  12. Strite

    The Faction Member Count List (Pie Chart)

    Great work. It's a shame that you've received criticism for this. As a longstanding member of a community for another game, I've seen this happen there too with fan projects. A shame for sure but there are definitely people who appreciate this kind of thing. But yeah, definitely not worth...
  13. Strite

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    +1 for economy info. The stronger the economy, the more diverse gameplay elements it can create. Without a fruitful economy, trading, piracy, faction based gameplay and much more become kind of pointless on a larger scale.
  14. Strite

    Arrival of "The Groove" Space style

    Good to see you @Jetthetank :)
  15. Strite

    A free station

    So almost like a... freeport? :eek: @Vexus knows...
  16. Strite

    Developer Battle - My thoughts and comments

    Great vids so far Kenetor, keep them coming! :D
  17. Strite

    Trine 4!

    Starbase is looking fantastic but anyone else also hyped for Trine 4!? For anyone who has yet to play the Trine series, I do highly recommend it if you have even a passing interest in sidescrolling platformer puzzle games.
  18. Strite

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    I haven't played EVE for a long time tbf, quit in 2012 and have only subbed occasionally since then. Spent the past few years primarily playing Worlds Adrift and more recently Star Citizen, with a side serving of Empyrion Galactic Survival, Space Engineers and the Dual Universe alpha so it...