Search results

  1. Maintenance

    I don't know what people would like to see, but I think maintenance would be a cool part. Wires decay and start to short out over time, mechanical joints get sticky and rotate slow or stop altogther... Among other things. What do you guys think?
  2. space hulk station??

    I am not sure about the feasibility of this, but what if enough ships were docked together that it created a space station. Similar to the 40k space hulks or "the city of a thousand planets". I am sure there are both pros and cons so what do you guys think?
  3. Universe Lore?

    Will there be or are there any plans for explaining the universe this game is in? Either its creation or current state of affairs?
  4. (jumps down from ledge) Hello There.....

    Just wanted to drop a quick introduction in here. My name is Thiccbeard, I am an avid creative game player and part time writer. I have had some creations on the front page of the steam workshop for stormworks and space engineers (subtle boast I know feel free to shame me). I look forward to...