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  1. Eagle

    Building Tool is too buggy. Please read this.

    GREAT NEWS HERE! The last patch solved this issue. I had parts of my ship missing for days/weeks, but now I can repair them. I will post here if I find any new problem related to this topic, but it seems it is solved now. All my company is also very grateful and happy with this. Thank you for...
  2. Eagle

    [ESP] Eagle Industries

    ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS Eagle Industries completa su diseño de nave de carga minera con 88 contenedores. El 88Cargo logra un éxito en ventas con múltiples clientes reservando la nave. Se convierte además en el carguero por excelencia de todos los empleados de Eagle Industries. ¿A qué esperas para...
  3. Eagle

    Ship Designer Bug - Bolts Vanishing - HOURS wasted

    We found another bug related to this topic. Sometimes when you are designing a ship with more people (Group Design), the bolts get "out of sync" and the owner of the design cannot see the bolts placed by the other designers in the scene. It is quite odd because it is like the owner and the other...
  4. Eagle

    Fcu & Mfc wont sync

    It depends on what you want to test. If you only want to check that the cockpit is working, it would be enough to check that the FCU variables are updated when you move a lever. For example: Move the forward lever (FcuForward) to the middle and check that the value of the variable FcuForward...
  5. Eagle

    Add a PvP-oriented Origin station

    Perhaps this is not the game you were expecting... To be honest, I see Starbase like a living universe where you can do many different things: economics, trading, mining, building, buccaneering. This is not only PIUM PUM TA-TA-TA-TA, BOOOM and let's go again. I perfectly understand people who...
  6. Eagle

    Make propellent tanks as easy to replace as fuel rods

    It should not be a problem. Using the bolt tool, you can use the autobolt (keep press right click) to automatically remove the bolts on the tank. It does not matter if there is a pipe or something in front of the tank. You can detach it and grab it with E and then take it to your inventory with...
  7. Eagle

    Fcu & Mfc wont sync

    Hi everyone! It is a bit hard to determine where the problem might be. This checklist came up to my mind: - Check if the batteries are charged. - Check that levers are connected to the network and (for example) FcuForward variable is updated on the Flight Unit when you move the lever. - Check...
  8. Eagle

    Building Tool is too buggy. Please read this.

    This problem still happening. One of the most important things on this game: repair your ship, still bugged because the Building Tool sometimes is not building missing parts even if you have the materials and there is nothing blocking that part. Are developers aware of this? Is this on your...
  9. Eagle

    EA Update 18.8.2021 (Early Access Build 556)

    Fixed material sell terminal selling all ores instead of filtered ones when using filter Great but 1 day late to me... I found that yesterday. At least now I am more or less rich (at least less poor, haha). You are doing a great job! Thanks! (y)
  10. Eagle

    Make propellent tanks as easy to replace as fuel rods

    I would say that the process to refill them in the space is almost the same, considering that you are alone: 1. - Remove the propellant tank/fuel rod. 2. - Take it into your inventory to refill it (crafting menu). 3. - Put it again in the ship and bolt it. Are you having problems with a...
  11. Eagle

    Game reset?

    Same question here! Hope someone may answer it...
  12. Eagle

    Allow custom flight control mixing

    The best way to do that right now is using YOLOL to create your own flight computer. Just in case you want that level of precision.
  13. Eagle

    entering and exiting EBM to fast Deletes Ship

    Those are the things that really make people leave or directly refund the game. I am trying to run a engineering company and it is a constant suffering facing these kind of bugs. I am sorry for it Jenkins... I hope developers are taking notes of all the bugs reported here and on Discord...
  14. Eagle

    Can no longer select or move objects in group edit

    We are doing pair-designing in our company and faced that issue too (frequently). This workaround usually solves it: 1. - Exit the designer. 2. - Leave the group. 3. - Exit the game and start it again. 4. - Create the group again and invite your friend. 5. - Open the designer, wait until the...
  15. Eagle

    Building Tool is too buggy. Please read this.

    I am suffering a lot with the Building Tool to repair or replace missing parts. Sometimes it repairs a part only partially and then suddenly stops. Or it is not able to replace a part showing in green even when there is nothing blocking it. I have materials enough. This is very annoying because...
  16. Eagle


    People are even loosing ships because of doing that. It is not recommended by the developers since it is so buggy right now. Be careful!
  17. Eagle

    [ESP] Eagle Industries

    ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS Nuestro equipo de ingeniería estrena su nueva nave multipropósito de rescate y exploración en una operación real. Un rescate concluido exitosamente a más de 500KM. ¿A qué esperas para unirte a la mejor compañía española de ingeniería?
  18. Eagle

    Won't let me spawn laborer ship - cannot play game

    Press F1 in the game and open an in-game support ticket. Admins should give you a voucher to redeem a new ship.
  19. Eagle

    Ship Thruster Differentiation

    Yes. That is right. We have to be careful if we use the tool to automatically assign the thruster name. Sometimes it is setting the same name for several thrusters.
  20. Eagle

    Box thruster not firing?

    You are absolutely right! I tried it sometime in the past and it did not work. Great to know that it is working fine! Hope you find the solution to the original problem.