A Pirate or Exiles station


Veteran endo
Aug 22, 2019
What do players think about stations being made either by pirates (already a few factions planning this sort of thing) or exiles?
The idea of exiles really just depends how faction relations work, and whether once a player gets a bad rep, if other factions want to take them in... if the player with said bad rep even wants to join a faction.
But I'm wondering what a station that specifically caters to the "Scum and Villainy" of SB would look like?
Would anyone even go there? Or would everyone just stay away because of the risk and bad rep, including other pirates/exiles?
Would the station just get taken over by a pirate group and become closed to everyone?
I guess this question also links in to the "Free Station" discussion. But instead of what would a station without rules look like, what would a station specifically run by "criminal" players look like?


Active endo
Aug 11, 2019
Honestly this would be pretty cool. Though I'm not quite sure how one would be set up. A station like that could be advertised as a place without Empire or Kingdom or any governing body. So it would draw in people doing un-desirable activities. This would be like mercenaries, bounty hunters, and the black market. Which I believe it is illegal for non-kingdom/empire players to own empire/kingdom ships. So they could become a hive for that kind of stuff.

Though there might be some kind of common courtesy thing where you don't shoot everyone on sight or get shot yourself. idk
Aug 14, 2019
. This would be like mercenaries, bounty hunters, and the black market. Which I believe it is illegal for non-kingdom/empire players to own empire/kingdom ships. So they could become a hive for that kind of stuff.
Wouldn't this just lead to Kingdom/Empire raids?


Well-known endo
Aug 9, 2019
I think that's where the sandbox aspect comes in, if players want to build something like this go at it. Would definitely add more content, would pirates and exiles follow the rules set by the managers of the station, or would they get raided by the bounty hunters and lawmen looking to spread their justice?


Veteran endo
Oct 22, 2019
Wouldn't this just lead to Kingdom/Empire raids?
Only if the station was within their sphere of influence or had something valuable or tactically important. There's really no point in raiding a neutral station if it takes six hours to get to in the ass end of the solar system and does't have anything you want.

Best way to set this up would just be for the station owners to set up an independent faction for the station. This would allow them to track people who violate the rules (for example lets say the rules say "no shooting each other on the station or within 2000 km") and adjust their reputation.

If stations have forms of automated defenses you could just use that to enforce whatever the station rules are, or just lock out people who have violated the rules from using any of the services or respawn terminals.


Learned-to-sprint endo
Dec 4, 2019
I imagine it will depend greatly on the function of safe zones. I believe I read that player made stations can set safe zone mechanics, and have some control over who/how/range etc. I fear this could be abused some, if you can make your own faction intangible; and murder any strike force thst comes near. I hope that declaring war etc. etc. starts a 12hr timer or something so the opposing force has time to defend, and is only invincible until the timer runs out.

So, a truly lawless station would have Zero safe zone, at all; and would likely be a fun place to visit as long as you have a crew of homies with you watching your back, while you watch theirs ;)
Mar 5, 2020
I think it would be more of a no-rules type of deal. The people who made the base would most likely have the most manpower and control what people can get away with in their base. Say if someone were to attack someone in a street, they may get away with it, but more likely is someone will try to stand up for their friend that is being robbed. Which would make it to where someone with a lot of friends could walk around without to much fear, while someone with no0 friends at that station would have to worry about their safety even more.


Master endo
Aug 23, 2019
The first rule of running inside of a syndicate's freestation, don't screw with the management's stuff and don't screw with their people unless you want to send the message that you're here to take the throne. There's a whole lot of rep/respect involved in criminal dealings. It's less "no rules" and more "same rules, less morality".


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
our crew is considering dropping the station we were planning and pool our credits to afford a large enough ship and just stay in the black, only coming into stations when needed. Hard to hit a moving target! Even harder to claim a bounty on people who are never in the same spot.
Apr 23, 2020
For criminals and exiles, there is no need for a fixed residence. They only need a ship of chaos swaying in the void, because if they are found in the nest, it means the end, so they will prefer mobile base ships.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
and trusting other pirates and exiles may not be in your best interest either. like Joe Pesci said in the movie Casino, "You gotta know that a guy who helps you steal, even if you take care of him real well, I mean, he's gonna steal a little bit extra for himself. Makes sense, don't it? Right? ". So pirates and exiles need to keep that in mind.


Veteran endo
Aug 14, 2019
I would say if whoever built/owns the station is not directly involved in piracy etc... themselves then people can't just attack the station so pirates and whatnot are probably safe to conduct business and if someone is waiting outside the station then they could take a different ship out or something