Asteroid Hauler over BUILDING BUDGET when hauling asteroids!!!???

Oct 2, 2021
I have made a ship that's in like 2/3 to be maxed in building budget.
The ship is specifically designed to haul three T10 asteroids with great range and speed.
I have built the ship for 4.6 milion credits total, I have went to the asteroid belt and when I loaded the 3rd asteroid the ship stopped moving, thrusters did not work, nothing.
So, I was like whoa whoa, what the heck happened here but then I have noticed the outrageous notification in chat saying "This ship has exceeded its Building Budget."
After 60 minutes of searching for asteroids and dozens of hours making the ship in designer its useless because of major flaw in game coding.
I mean, this has to be some kind of joke right? HOW can you make one of TWO main mechanics for interacting with asteroids in game thats about asteroids SOOOO BAD?!
I mean, WHY does the asteroid weight or whatever is accounted for in this nonsence need to be interacting with the ships building budget?
Do you realise how much building budget one Tier 10 asteoid takes up? No? WELL ME NEITHER!!! So how the heck am i supposed to predict if the ship just doesn't decide to not work when i load the roids in?
Just repair this flaw asap PLEASE, dont edit the ships building budget when you load in an asteroid or whatever.
The asteroid weight has nothing to do with ships building budget.
If i make ship as good and as strong as it gets, so all the building budgets are maxed out and its gonna be asteroid hauler ITS NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO HAUL EVEN THE SMALLEST TIER 1 ASTEROID!!! Because when i load it in, every gram above the maximum ship building budget makes the ship not work.

I am very sorry for how i wrote this, but you can imagine am very VERY upset about this.
Also for any players that reads this, i have also sent the bug report in game, this is just another means on how to reach to devs with this issue
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Well-known endo
Sep 5, 2021
One possible "solution" would be to improve the SSC test mode.
Would be great if we could spawn Asteroids of different sizes in the test mode - to test mining ships and asteroid haulers.
But that would require the test mode to be actually usable, i.e. ships should behave exactly identically in the test and actual world (which is not the case at the moment).


Active endo
Sep 16, 2021
In just about every way, objects locked by beams/frames/or direct welding/bolting become part of the same ship. The ship will be balanced/speed up/slow down differently with the extra weight. The captured asteroids can collide with things or break just like the main ship would.

So while it's definitely frustrating to not realize the limitations until *after* building the ship, I don't think it's exactly a bug :-/

You might try requesting a refund anyway, since poorly explained game limitations set you back significantly - but it's not quite the same as e.g. a ship disappearing.


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
this is a big problem, but not for just rocks
i have built some max build size mining ships and im sure others have also.
if and when in pvp these ships get killed, it will be impossible to haul the ship anywhere to salvage or repair. you will be forces to cut the ship in half and only haul part of a wreckage for salvage. it makes it completely impossible to haul it back for repair.
i had designed and built a ship to haul 28 rocks, in the safe zone small rocks i could not fill the ship before i ran into this problem.


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
when you cargo lock anything to a ship, it becomes part of the ship. if you have small ships you wont be able to lock smaller broken ships if the transponder is still on the ship as a ship can only have 1. other build budget problems are in with the cargo-lock system


Active endo
Apr 12, 2020
This is kind of double edged sword. On one hand, rocks should not count towards the max build limit of the ship.
But on the other hand... What if you make an asteroid ship? As in, you attach an asteroid to your ship "permanently" to use it has armor. If the rock didn't count. You could go over the limit, and gain an extra advantage in PVP.


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
The issue is that CLF/CLB 'weld' the rock to the ship, to the CLB's or to all the CLF edges.. This makes it count for voxels, instead of excluding them. This method also causes more issues in how many things are loaded in the area, so generates some lag in the game... IE if they let us 'weld' on 50 T10's... they would all be fully loaded and hosted by one player, causing a lot of issues.

The better solution is probably to find some way to do a high-poly LoD where it unloads all its part count/voxels but keeps the mass, and can not be mined while hooked up. CLB could get an animation for a bubble that covers the surface of the rock, denoting it can not be mined through the bubble.

As for asteroid ships - cool as they are, the asteroids are basically paper mache.. and made of lead. So not particularly useful as a ship. You can blow a hole through a T10 with one hit, but the mass of carrying one is unreasonable. I don't see any PVP balance issues, other than perhaps ramming with them (which you can already do, and you are better off just using frames to do this)