There is two large gangs, where I live, and they will kill anyone wearing their colors around their territory. I guess this is the world we live in.
The blueprints just save time manufacturing an asset. They are not needed to recreate a concept and I personally would rather the pieces to study than a blueprint. I would rather improve or correct what I see from their designs.
I am unsure if the YOLOL code is included in a blueprint, but that is the true gold mind. I would love to see how others are using YOLOL to track, target, and destroy using YOLOL and see if there is improvements to be incorporated into existing code.
Lastly, "Dev factions", does this stand for developer teams from Frozenbyte playing the game? This is a conflict of interest, this could lead to minor game design changes to improve/fix design flaws. Say one of their ships needs just a little more battery storage to optimize a designed ship, just change the battery specs to meet their need, and so on. This is a slippery slope, be careful...
Not being in closed alpha has its advantages, my designs and code is safe being stored in other media

It is just untested.