Clarification about dev faction blueprint sharing (don't do it)


Well-known endo
Aug 14, 2019
So if we can't share/acquire dev ship blueprint if we are not in that faction, are there rules around building a ship designed to appear like one of the dev ships?


Veteran endo
Jun 13, 2020
Colors we are still discussing but there is a sentiment internally that they should remain perks of dev factions.
yeah, I really don’t like this. I’m sure I speak for most ship builders when I say that this’ll only hurt the game.

Also, if the dev team ends up implementing this policy does this mean that no one can use any shade of orange/blue? Because I’m pretty sure that most blue ships look like kingdom ships from afar.

In my opinion, the Dev factions should be focusing on making more recognizable designs instead of just locking colours for their factions. Take the empire gunship for example, I love that ship! You can actually tell what it is from a distance!
Aug 9, 2019
I understand we have the first iteration of the paint tool, meaning we would get more features / colors available to us at a later date. However locking colors is which I have an issue with.

No other faction has their own color and shouldn't ever get a locked color.

From an outside perspective it looks more like Empire doesn't like other people made ships with "their" colors. This announcement happened mere days after I shared a picture of a fighter in empire colors.

And if you decide to lock colors, please do elaborate on why are DEV factions allowed to have colors no one else can use?
I understand the argument here and personally would appreciate having access to dev colored plates as my faction's color schemes use Black and the two dev faction colors, however, you've kind of answered your question. Why can dev factions be allowed to have colored plates no one else has access to? Because they're dev factions. However, obviously, the use of blue and orange can't and, if I understand this correctly, won't be restricted. The only part that is restricted is the use of the good colored plates.


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Aug 9, 2019
I'm all for strongly protecting blueprints and punishing BP file stealers, but locking colors I must disagree with.

If there's a need for unique restricted visuals, one could implement faction-restricted decals / stamps. If there is ever a need of restricting what base parts are available in the SSC, it should be limited by resources or some other in-game activity, not an initial starting condition. Restricting SSC creativity based on faction seems arbitrary.

BP protection makes sense to have as a game mechanic. However, if there's a need for color restriction, I'd rather have it be part of game lore: That Kingdom and Empire dislikes non-faction ships using "their colors" in "their territory", and might assume the opposite color is a hostile.
Aug 9, 2019
I'm all for strongly protecting blueprints and punishing BP file stealers, but locking colors I must disagree with.

If there's a need for unique restricted visuals, one could implement faction-restricted decals / stamps. If there is ever a need of restricting what base parts are available in the SSC, it should be limited by resources or some other in-game activity, not an initial starting condition. Restricting SSC creativity based on faction seems arbitrary.

BP protection makes sense to have as a game mechanic. However, if there's a need for color restriction, I'd rather have it be part of game lore: That Kingdom and Empire dislikes non-faction ships using "their colors" in "their territory", and might assume the opposite color is a hostile.
Oh 100%, I missed the part where the devs were discussing locking colors as a whole. I was under the impression they were just locking the orange and blue colored plates from the kingdom and empire BPs. Sorry for the misunderstanding


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Aug 9, 2019
I don't think they ever explicitedly said that?
> "Colors we are still discussing but there is a sentiment internally that they should remain perks of dev factions."
I too percieved it as just limiting "Empire Orange" and "Kingdom Blue", but the statement is a bit vague. 🤷‍♂️

So an actual restriction on orange would hurt Skyjak, and Blue being Duratech and LingCorp.
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Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
However, if there's a need for color restriction, I'd rather have it be part of game lore: That Kingdom and Empire dislikes non-faction ships using "their colors" in "their territory", and might assume the opposite color is a hostile.
Why not have the dyes for the faction specific colors only exist around the faction main bases?


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
easy fix, delete the dev factions, they straight up are not needed
Why do you think that? In any case, don't you think that having a game-wide policy to not spread the blueprints of your faction, regardless of dev status, should exist? If factions wish to allow their former or current members spread blueprints, that's their prerogative, but the problem of faction specific blueprints (perhaps not colors), wouldn't go away with the dev factions.


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
May 8, 2020
easy fix, delete the dev factions, they straight up are not needed
Even if Kingdom and Empire lose their dev faction status, they will still exist. Declare war or something if you really want to eradicate both of them.


Veteran endo
Aug 11, 2020
AFAIK the stated goal of dev factions kingdom and empire was to provide innital stability to the game universe in the form of powerhouses that can keep order and have minimal chaos in the system as people learn. Then eventually are intended to be overthrown by player factions once the are established enough to keep the status quo how the players want it.


Master endo
Jun 15, 2020
AFAIK the stated goal of dev factions kingdom and empire was to provide innital stability to the game universe in the form of powerhouses that can keep order and have minimal chaos in the system as people learn. Then eventually are intended to be overthrown by player factions once the are established enough to keep the status quo how the players want it.
When they are overthrown they still should be kept in the game as cultural legacy. Plus there should be a seperate Kingdom- and an Empire Day. Where the said faction is celebrated and remembered. In a way like the anniversary of German unification is celebrated


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
May 8, 2020
AFAIK the stated goal of dev factions kingdom and empire was to provide innital stability to the game universe in the form of powerhouses that can keep order and have minimal chaos in the system as people learn. Then eventually are intended to be overthrown by player factions once the are established enough to keep the status quo how the players want it.
Good luck having war without Kingdom and Empire
May 8, 2020
Personally, I don't want faction locked colours despite being a member of Empire, granted I'm no shipbuilder but even among our group I have heard little want for orange to be faction locked as it would bring up other problems. I do agree with Zaffs idea of having the opposite coulour in the factions territory being assumed hostile, however, I don't speak for Empire and it would need to go through discusion first
Nov 12, 2019
Perhaps company/faction colors should be picked at creation of the company/faction, and that lowers the color pallette only for BP's shared within the future company BP sharing mechanic? Like, I personally can use whatever colors I want in a BP I make, but when it becomes a faction BP for my group, the color pallet gets limited to a hull, primary, and secondary color?

Oh, what about proprietary faction decals for ID? Honestly, I would worry more about that than colors, but I do like uniform looks for faction fleets.
Apr 26, 2021
There is two large gangs, where I live, and they will kill anyone wearing their colors around their territory. I guess this is the world we live in.
The blueprints just save time manufacturing an asset. They are not needed to recreate a concept and I personally would rather the pieces to study than a blueprint. I would rather improve or correct what I see from their designs.
I am unsure if the YOLOL code is included in a blueprint, but that is the true gold mind. I would love to see how others are using YOLOL to track, target, and destroy using YOLOL and see if there is improvements to be incorporated into existing code.
Lastly, "Dev factions", does this stand for developer teams from Frozenbyte playing the game? This is a conflict of interest, this could lead to minor game design changes to improve/fix design flaws. Say one of their ships needs just a little more battery storage to optimize a designed ship, just change the battery specs to meet their need, and so on. This is a slippery slope, be careful...

Not being in closed alpha has its advantages, my designs and code is safe being stored in other media :) It is just untested.
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Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
I am unsure if the YOLOL code is included in a blueprint
Yes, currently they are. Also, any of the ships that can be bought from the ship shops currently have all of their YOLOL chips readable by the owner. Perhaps black box YOLOL chips / anti-theft coding practices could be added / used to prevent unwanted reverse engineering. I wouldn't put it past some to program in some DRM stuff.

"Dev factions", does this stand for developer teams from Frozenbyte playing the game?
They are player run factions that were started by the devs. They are intended as a stable starting point for any new players and as a way the developers can directly interact with the game. Some of the devs do belong to these factions, and Frozenbyte has said that disciplinary action will be taken if it is found that any devs help any factions or players with insider information.

Personally, I feel like it would be a shame if the devs couldn't play the game they spent years of their life making. I trust that they will do their best to play fairly as they don't want to ruin the reputation of themselves or the company.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
@JoelFB i understand why you shouldn't use the Dev Decals, but what are your thoughts in pvp, blending in with player factions using their decals?

EDIT: reason i ask, in games like this(sandbox), pvp gets really heated and small group players get destroyed in crossfire or demolished just by sheer numbers. being able to blend in or hide in site could be very useful to a small crew. but i dont know what we can and can't do when it comes to player engaged interaction, seeing how this game has so many great mechanics you dont find in other games that gives us extremely high bar for coming up with new things.