I don't see or hear anyone asking for easy build improvements or adding new modules.
In 2 companies i had been in anyone who is building just builds in ship designer and don;t even care about easy build.
Hence im quite confused about so mch work dedicated there.
Am i missing some big portion of players that ask for moar easy-build stuff?
GET RID OF BOLTS, BEAM LENGTHS, CABLE LIMITS.........ALL THAT BS doesn't help, it has 0 game impact whilst maknig it incredibly hard tyo buildl!!!
Its like they added 'EASY BUG MODE' in a attempt to fix the building instead of JUST making building easier!!
Keep auto bolt.
Remove bolt limits.
Remove cables and pipe make ducting dragable.
Remove cable and pipe limits.
Make beams dragable.
Make everything that comes in parts that isn't useful come in a single item please!!!!!! Why do i need 3 parts for a prop tank that has to be in 3 parts anyway.....Simplfy building
Now any idiot can build ships!
Who care if they build a spagehtti ship with 1 thrusters and 90000000 bolts......ITS DOESNT matter....The bigger ships get the more a player risks loosing it to pirates.
The easier a ship is to build the more pirates, the more players!!!