Movement Inside the Ship Designer


Master endo
Jun 15, 2020
Here is something that i highly value as a player coming mostly from SE. I have now a basic understanding of the movement inside the ship editor. Here is what Iwould want to change/be customizable. First off movement: I have no problem with holding right click to look around, but I need to be able to move up and down somehow. As of now u do that by holding space and moving your mouse up and down. Is there a reason space can't be fly up and that you can map c to fly down? I honestly would prefer it, if the ship designer movement would be as close to the player movement as it could be


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
You don't have to hold right click to look around. Tab switches between cursor and free-look mode, just pike in actual game.

I agree on up/down binding.

Or even better, just let as bind all of it like other controls