We are currently thinking about temporarily removing Rails and Rail Movers from the game in order to properly fix them before Early Access. We want to stress that this would be only temporary and done only so that we can iron out all the bugs. Rails and Rail Movers would be brought back to the game after all the necessary fixes have been made. We can't give a time estimate for how long this would take, but we'd naturally inform you when they're being re-introduced.
As you probably know, rails in their current state have many bugs and are not working as intended, and because of this they would greatly benefit from being removed from Starbase so that we can focus on repairing them thoroughly, without fearing that the fixing process interferes or breaks the players' designs.
Before we go any further with this plan, however, we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts, especially about the following:

As you probably know, rails in their current state have many bugs and are not working as intended, and because of this they would greatly benefit from being removed from Starbase so that we can focus on repairing them thoroughly, without fearing that the fixing process interferes or breaks the players' designs.
Before we go any further with this plan, however, we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts, especially about the following:
- How have you been using Rails and Rail Movers so far?
- How much have you been using them and how important are they to your designs so far?
- If they were removed for some time, how much would it impact you?