Yeah, I still read the forums

The doomsayer pattern seems to be that they want some immediate, cheap remedy which would maybe add a week more of playing for them, usually by burning a lot of remaining people with it, and then the game would be finally killed off for good. And if I dare to comment that no, we are doing it the proper way it attracts even more of those who have already given up to attack me and the players who dare to agree with the proper fixes.
Now I must kindly ask the doomsayers: please, stay civil or live up to your promises.
I agree with the points you raise. I also see immediate responses that basically just show many do not understand what happens during Alpha stage game development. And if I am very honest, I can't blame anyone for those responses and do believe that Frozenbyte burnt their fingers on this one.
I get that at this stage we see many incomplete pieces, I also understand that at this stage you may, at any time, bring in or remove some of those and in the process break the game. All that is fully to be expected during Alpha stages of development. While FB is clearly aware and is clearly set to follow their plan and path (which I really appreciate and agree with), by going public FB also has to some extent volunteered to develop with handcuffs on, what normally would be expected and what may provide a path to fast progress and trial/error, becomes much harder to do once you have people playing the game.
You did not allow people to come in on your terms as "backers" you allowed people to pay money to play the game. And that, as I see it, may have been a massive mistake and cause a lot of problems/headaches. To me, it feels that FB, in a very naive mindset, expected their disclaimers and clear indicators of the state of development to set the right expectations. That turned out to be a very predictable mistake.
I trust FB will deliver the game (and if they do not, I for one will not lose any sleep over it), I certainly do not have the feeling that there is panic or that there are problems that are insurmountable. There was a massive miscalculation on the results of opening up the game and I believe that the time needed to fix some issues that came from that have thrown off the roadmap by quite a bit.
Overall, I'd say if by this time next year, we are still in the same situation then sure, there is cause for concern. As it stands though, I'd much rather see the player base take a step back and give FB some room to deliver. One thing I would like to see is a proper update to the roadmap, no massively detailed one, but a rough outline of how FB thinks the game will progress in development over the next 12 months. With the "launch" problems hopefully all behind them, that outline should be fairly clear.