resurect starbase

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Nov 12, 2019
Cap ships more important than stations. And they should be implemented first, before real pvp balance/polishing rework. Because the way capital ships will work in universe, is the cornerstone for a lot of core mechanics/gameplays
Ya... being unable to share materials to even make the things, a buggy editor to design them, and the stations dismantling themselves totally don't matter. *rolls eyes*


Well-known endo
Sep 2, 2021
Ya... being unable to share materials to even make the things, a buggy editor to design them, and the stations dismantling themselves totally don't matter. *rolls eyes*
There is always a scratch first, and only then polishing. And those bugs may persists for months, and there is nothing wrong with it. You need to understand what is the main focus.
Again, game development and progress first cause you need a bigger picture. You cannot put details before you implemented all core mechanics. And only then final polishing stage.
Sep 11, 2021
Instead of them making the game you want them to make id rather they spend time squashing the multitude of bugs that exist in the game they want to make. Pretty hard to resurect something when my ship gets ghost durability errors and my station locks my game up when it goes to render


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
Cap ships more important than stations. And they should be implemented first, before real pvp balance/polishing rework. Because the way capital ships will work in universe, is the cornerstone for a lot of core mechanics/gameplays
capital movable stations are not more important than stations!
you NEED a station to make caps
you need a station for many of the construction stuff
you need stations for territory control!
stations are the foundation to this game ever working
but FB spends all there time on endgame and totally got lazy on stations! (mindcraft station core)


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
but FB spends all there time on endgame and totally got lazy on stations! (mindcraft station core)
seriously? are you guys actually taking time to actually look into what your talking about? how can you say they have been lazy on station design and progress when it has literally been at its core since CA and in OA. There are 52 weeks in a year, Player made stations have been being directly worked on for 25 weeks, actually 26 cause this update is from last week. But thats basically half of an entire year, 17 weeks for new station updates to match the moon stations and cap ships, which is being done along side one another. 26 weeks on fixing and trying to improve factory halls, and the ones with only a few weeks to 8 are literally quality of life improvements. This has been there direct focus the entire time, its not like they are a small 10 man team, they have 100s of employees all working on different sections of the game, that is how this works.

If you dont like the game in the direction it is going fine, no big deal, not like your being forced to play right now, but don't just make up shit cause it sounds good to your argument, because anyone taking 10 minutes of their time can easily disprove what you just said. because the most time so far that has been put into capital ships are only 13 weeks, that is extremely far margin to say, "but FB spends all there time on endgame and totally got lazy on stations! ". my question is knowing what i just showed how can that even be true??
Stations and Easy Build Mode
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Well-known endo
Sep 2, 2021
Instead of them making the game you want them to make id rather they spend time squashing the multitude of bugs that exist in the game they want to make. Pretty hard to resurect something when my ship gets ghost durability errors and my station locks my game up when it goes to render
Their focus the game itself, not player base or smooth gameplay at the moment.
By the way, they doing great job with communicating with players.


Well-known endo
Sep 2, 2021
capital movable stations are not more important than stations!
you NEED a station to make caps
you need a station for many of the construction stuff
you need stations for territory control!
stations are the foundation to this game ever working
but FB spends all there time on endgame and totally got lazy on stations! (mindcraft station core)
Cap ship is typical station, but movable. And at the moment, cap ship has much more benefits, than usual station. You can easily build cap ship in station, at that moment. So, don't know what you taking about.

Again, understand that game development first, and only then QA. Therefore, almost all mechanics exists just to see how their mechanics interact with players and other mechanics. There is no even a thought to spend time for polishing gameplay and fixing bugs.

But even though so, FB spend their time fixing most annoying bugs, instead of making progress.


Veteran endo
Feb 13, 2020
In what sense are capital ships endgame?
I see them more as (early) midgame.
We are currently on one planet and possibly one of its moons and the Devs talked about other planets.

How would we get to other planets? With our current ships probably not. With Capital ships probably not as well (as the jump drive needs coordinates).

I would worry when they begin working on another planet and bases are still barely usable.


Well-known endo
Sep 2, 2021
In what sense are capital ships endgame?
I see them more as (early) midgame.
We are currently on one planet and possibly one of its moons and the Devs talked about other planets.

How would we get to other planets? With our current ships probably not. With Capital ships probably not as well (as the jump drive needs coordinates).

I would worry when they begin working on another planet and bases are still barely usable.
Will be there other planets? Will we need them?


Active endo
Sep 8, 2021
Y'know, this could be a good power source for our ships in game. This thread just keeps going and going. If we can find a way to harness it, we'll never need Exorium again!
Nov 17, 2021
So, I've got about 700 hrs. in game at this point. As far as the devs listening to pvp----(probably ganker), most of the "Pvper's" in game right now are gankers. They don't want to fight, they want to hit defenseless ships steal the cargo and modules and run away before the fight comes. The first time a gun is pointed at them, they insurance transfer and despawn their ship. So, if it was me? I'd let that fly in 1 ear and out the other. The game mechanics are designed for create, resource, build, blowup. DUH!
The Dev's are listening: 1 of my ships wouldn't spawn on any of the launch pads, It would either glitch into the station or get thrown 200m out into space. 6 days after I submitted a ticket, on the next update that was fixed. Not only for that 1 ship of mine, but all of my large ships.
THIS IS EARLY ACCESS!!! I've been playing MMO's for a very long time, Even the most played mmo's have major bug issues, usually right after an expansion or content addition. Early access is how the dev's are able to work out the kinks and bugs without charging the players $100 per expansion or major update. Using WILLING players to play and find the problems greatly reduces production costs and time.
MMO: Massive Multiplayer Online, This implies something. Yes, solo play is possible(I've done it a lot) but the whole point is to join up with other people. Firstly: these games are meant to be social platforms. Second: by joining up together the cost, time, grind, etc. is divided up. Not everyone is interested in PVP, many don't want to bother with the learning curve of the designer, Others just want to hop in for a few hours and destroy rocks to blow off steam after a long day. By grouping up everyone can find their own niche in the game, supporting or fighting.
Alright this is getting too long winded :rolleyes:. The point is very simple, either play the game, deal with the bugs or take your complaining ass somewhere else. But I have a feeling you'll never find that perfect little virtual universe where you'll not have a single complaint. Peace Out....
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Well-known endo
Feb 14, 2020
The point is very simple, either play the game, deal with the bugs or take your complaining ass somewhere else.
Ahh well since you missed the memo. 99% of the playerbase did just that. Took their time and money somewhere else. Now that the game's primary content "players" are gone; the game is without purpose nor market interest. There are even less people playing than when we were in CA. Who are/were the most dedicated and supportive players for this title. Even the most dedicated ones left after their voices continued to not be heard. Case and point, the developers chose a poor direction for the game and ignored community feedback. Thereby alienating their community needs and core audience interest. Bugs and "its an alffffphaaa" are small potatoes in the list of problems starbase has created for itself.


Veteran endo
May 16, 2020
seriously? are you guys actually taking time to actually look into what your talking about? how can you say they have been lazy on station design and progress when it has literally been at its core since CA and in OA. There are 52 weeks in a year, Player made stations have been being directly worked on for 25 weeks, actually 26 cause this update is from last week. But thats basically half of an entire year, 17 weeks for new station updates to match the moon stations and cap ships, which is being done along side one another. 26 weeks on fixing and trying to improve factory halls, and the ones with only a few weeks to 8 are literally quality of life improvements. This has been there direct focus the entire time, its not like they are a small 10 man team, they have 100s of employees all working on different sections of the game, that is how this works.

If you dont like the game in the direction it is going fine, no big deal, not like your being forced to play right now, but don't just make up shit cause it sounds good to your argument, because anyone taking 10 minutes of their time can easily disprove what you just said. because the most time so far that has been put into capital ships are only 13 weeks, that is extremely far margin to say, "but FB spends all there time on endgame and totally got lazy on stations! ". my question is knowing what i just showed how can that even be true??
yes i'm massively serious!
look at the "station core" it is a BLOCK!!!
a BLOCK! 6 sided block you hold in your personal inventory! takes all of 10 minuets to deploy and it magically has all the power to make a safezone, shields, station storage and holds ownership friend or foe all in that little BLOCK! LAZY!
in CA the start of the station was at least a building, but no they scratched the station we still use today in origin and craped out this lazy block start of a station, then wasted 25 weeks building on it!

and capital ships is END GAME as far as building gos. we have ships, stations needs to be next, then expanding to moons to get the minerals to build jump gates and capital ships. YES ITS END GAME! if they add another planet, fine, thats nothing your going to build, they add more belts, fine we as players are not building this as it is, capitals is ENDGAME for player building. we need stations and storage upgrade. we need company tools. but all we have now is a dead game and good luck getting everyone back to a dead game! at least in most early games, we have something to play with as more content is coming, but without the stations getting fixed(reworked last minute) we have 700 hours in ship designer and well your done! this is why no one in playing!
there was more progression of a game to play in CA then there is now!
Nov 12, 2019
yes i'm massively serious!
look at the "station core" it is a BLOCK!!!
a BLOCK! 6 sided block you hold in your personal inventory! takes all of 10 minuets to deploy and it magically has all the power to make a safezone, shields, station storage and holds ownership friend or foe all in that little BLOCK! LAZY!
in CA the start of the station was at least a building, but no they scratched the station we still use today in origin and craped out this lazy block start of a station, then wasted 25 weeks building on it!

and capital ships is END GAME as far as building gos. we have ships, stations needs to be next, then expanding to moons to get the minerals to build jump gates and capital ships. YES ITS END GAME! if they add another planet, fine, thats nothing your going to build, they add more belts, fine we as players are not building this as it is, capitals is ENDGAME for player building. we need stations and storage upgrade. we need company tools. but all we have now is a dead game and good luck getting everyone back to a dead game! at least in most early games, we have something to play with as more content is coming, but without the stations getting fixed(reworked last minute) we have 700 hours in ship designer and well your done! this is why no one in playing!
there was more progression of a game to play in CA then there is now!

They pretty much replaced ships and stations with caps the way people talk, and the way the devs explain their focuses. They're so excited for capital ships.

You can wax poetic all you want about how much time they've spent on stations. The problem is,

1. They've been working on them for much longer than was said earlier in the thread here.
2. They still don't function properly. Every function they perform doesn't work properly. Every system they share* with capital ships doesn't function properly.

Also, why in the everliving hell are these things able to be nearly a kilometer long?


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019

"This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. "

“Starbase is an ambitious game and we want to involve the whole community in the development process. We cannot stress enough that Starbase launches into Early Access in a clear "alpha" state. This means many features are missing and there are plenty of bugs."

not even in beta and people are acting like its a finished game, and you call yourselves legit gamers, shameful! seriously tho, if your gonna buy a game and not read that information above before buying it, then complain about it, well says way more about you. ive even heard people say, "i wasted 34 bucks on it and i could of used that money elsewhere!", well im tell you now, you didn't care about that money all that much when you decided to ignore the giant claimer before buying.
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Well-known endo
Feb 14, 2020
I really have to question if some of these are PR accounts or FB off work employees. The amount of "ignore topic" insert alternative "its fine" with endless copy paste "its alffpha" has become so repetatively laughable from thread after thread across multiple platforms. The only people posting things like that are people with exterior motivations or interests. Not the first failing game to grow such an echo chamber group keeping their head in the sand. Typically a hallmark that a game is going to shutdown. As the people attempting to provide solutions and critique game issues are constantly battered with all is fine ignore problems. A theme FB carries about every issue as well. All these patterns are typical of a game on its deathbed about to close. Far from a unique case.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
As the people attempting to provide solutions and critique game issues
"a analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory."
"a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation."
A critique in nothing more than an opinion majority of the time, and a solution is designed to fix a problem, but when it takes you longer to type out a solution or a theory than to think it up, probably isn't going to sell very well for others. And critiquing the game as trash and dead because people aren't siding with your theory and ideas for a solution then insult them is what makes it even harder to see your side of it, regardless if your OPINION is good or not.

as for people labeling it as "alpha" is because that is what it is. you call a car a car because car is a car. when a game is in the earliest stages of development subjected to many changes before a stable version is ready, you call it alpha stage, and anyone technically "playing" the game is alpha testing. do you call a bus a potato and then get upset when people look at you confused?


Active endo
Sep 8, 2021
I really have to question if some of these are PR accounts or FB off work employees. The amount of "ignore topic" insert alternative "its fine" with endless copy paste "its alffpha" has become so repetatively laughable from thread after thread across multiple platforms. The only people posting things like that are people with exterior motivations or interests. Not the first failing game to grow such an echo chamber group keeping their head in the sand. Typically a hallmark that a game is going to shutdown. As the people attempting to provide solutions and critique game issues are constantly battered with all is fine ignore problems. A theme FB carries about every issue as well. All these patterns are typical of a game on its deathbed about to close. Far from a unique case.
Providing solutions is great! Ideas are great! Shouting the same opinion over and over again in hopes of getting heard through repetition isn't.

You've been heard by now.


Aug 9, 2019
This thread is now turned into a shouting match, which has only two arguments being repeated. I'm locking the thread and also asking that people would refrain from opening the same discussions in other threads or other channels moderated by us.
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