November was a busy month both in the community and for us Frozenbyteans. Check out the Halloween wrap-up, which commemorates Starbase's first ever Halloween events!
We at Frozenbyte also said goodbye to the real-life version of our beloved Hypevan, and there was a small, virtual community sendoff for Hypevan here on the forums and in-game. Hypevan's legacy lives on in Starbase, however, and you can get your own from the ship shop at any time. Here's a compilation of the commemorations and space funerals for Hypevan! We sincerely thank you for each one.
Community Highlights
Kingdom citizens are arranging a Kingdom-focused Q&A event on the official Starbase Discord. The event takes place on December 12th 2020, 5pm (17:00) UTC, in #kingdom-chat. If you're not on our Discord yet, you can join here:
You need to have the Kingdom role in order to access the channel - you can ask the CMs or the moderators if you're unsure how to get the role. Make sure to attend!
Would you like to contribute? To submit something to Community Highlights, contact us via e-mail at with the subject headline "Starbase Community Highlights"! Remember to mention who the submission is from and what name you want to be credited. We reserve the right to curate suggested content and cannot guarantee all submissions will be published.
Screenshot Showcase

Posted by TGess on reddit

Posted by TGess on reddit

SpacePanda1000 on Starbase Forums

Posted by Duke Ironhelm on reddit

Posted by Marki#2565 on Discord
Want to submit your own screenshot(s) for Screenshot Showcase? Post them in this forum thread here or e-mail them to us at with the subject headline "Screenshot Showcase"! Remember to mention who the submission is from and what name you want to be credited.
Fanwork Showcase

More amazing art by GluxDesigns#7065 on Discord!
kiiyo has shared two new thrilling stories, which feature the crew of the vessel "The Kitty" participating in the annual racing competition The Moonshot Cup. Read The Race, Sprint #0 and The Race, Sprint #1 here!
Want to showcase your fanart, fanfic, videos and/or cool content here in the coming issues? Submit it to us via e-mail at with the subject headline "Fanwork Showcase"! Remember to mention who the submission is from and what name you want to be credited. All sorts of fanworks are welcome, but we will not post works that contain NSFW or otherwise mature, inappropriate or offensive content.
We hope you've enjoyed this exciting new issue of the Starbase Community News! We look forward to your contributions, especially with the year end celebrations right around the corner. See you next month and thanks for reading!