Starbase Progress Notes: Week 22 (2020)


Forever locked into The Pool
Sep 6, 2019
Starbase Progress Notes: Week 22 (2020)
May 25th - 29th

Hello everyone! You know the drill, it's progress time. Enjoy!


  • Collection area sizes were adjusted in the Asteroid Mining Job: now the collection area covers the whole collection shaft
  • Sell terminals were added to new ore storage towers
  • Station windows were added to the LotBuildingManager as part of the framework which is mandatory to build first
  • Asteroid Mining Job rewards were increased by 50%
  • Furnace Design has been worked on, current math calculations have been finished
  • Anubis has been added to the market and to the economy
  • Major material price adjustments and related economy design configurations have been made
  • Design for trade UI changes have been made
  • Improvements for social menu player invitations (group, company and friends) have been made
  • New Kingdom Outpost station has been updated:
    • Kingdom's Spaceship shop -grid slot has been placed
    • Vertical bridges rotated to their correct setting
    • StationAreaEntity has been resized and centered
    • Spaceship Design Workshops' instance load modes have been corrected
  • Proving Grounds updated:
    • Spaceship Design Workshops' instance load modes have been corrected
    • StationAreaEntity has been resized and centered
  • "Ore storage tower" has been completed, and several copies have been placed on stations: Capital Imperial (Origin), Empire Outpost and Kingdom Outpost
Spaceship Designer
  • The number of Main Flight Computers (MFC) is now limited in Spaceship Designer (max 5)
  • Spaceship Lamps have been finished: 8 colors for each variant


  • 'Approaching safezone border' -messages now appear when approaching from either side of the zone, not just from outside
  • Lot hologram code has been optimized to perform a bit better
  • A flashlight has been implemented for robots
  • An option has been added for magnetic boots unseating behavior
  • Ship recovery system has undergone some changes
  • Item prediction issue when moving items between inventories has been fixed
  • Durability now shows everything in yellow when designing a ship that does not yet have a valid frame
  • Lifeline has been tweaked
  • Stations now manufacture the intended amounts of items in all cases
User Interface
  • Lifeline icon now show up only if there are friendly ships within the range
  • Reward fluctuation system has been implemented
  • Initial bare-bones version of a screenshot editor has been implemented for the Feedback tool
  • UI for player trade is in the making
Spaceship Designer
  • Lot designer blueprints have been hidden from asset browser and open blueprint dialog in the ship designer, and vice versa
  • A bug that allowed buying invalid ships has been fixed
  • Forced autosave added before the user opens the open blueprint dialog
  • Forced autosave added before the user opens a previous autosave stash file
Planets and Moons
  • Issue with moon surface not counting as a collision when releasing grabbed items has been fixed
  • Moon surface generation has been updated
  • Asteroid ring optimization is in the making


  • LODs for Station_hall_b_medium_18 have been updated
  • LODs for station_modules_trading_market_station_elevator_hall have been updated
  • LOD/farLOD models of mega_station_slot_37152_command_center_1_a have been updated and new texture maps have been baked and painted
  • Walk stop and crouch stop animations have been polished
  • Giggle and clap4 emotes are in the making
  • Emote_sulk has been modified heavily
  • Emote_yes2 a and b have been updated: 2a got a small modification and up down aimings, 2b got heavily modified
  • 1st person animations have been made for the Pipe Tool
  • Hall and hallway module icons have been updated in Station Creator, so that they match the actual modules
  • Remote explosive, remote detonator and explosive pack assets have been added with preliminary textures, and are ready for final texturing and gameplay implementation
  • Resource Bridge: Vcxel generation improved, so that it accurately aligns with the connection surface
  • Ore storage tower level art has been finished
  • Normal maps for snowy asteroid rocks have been adjusted
  • Sharp XL asteroid rocks have been made
  • Asset for small control panel speaker and small signal baton have been created
  • Lifeline icons have been updated


Week22_Starbase_asteroid_pointy_rocks_high_poly.jpg Week22_Starbase_asteroid_pointy_rocks_material_test.jpg Week22_starbase_level_art_ore_storage_tower_1.jpg Week22_starbase_level_art_ore_storage_tower_11.jpg Week22_Starbase_levelart_station_modules_trading_market_station_elevator_hall_lod_update.jpg


As always, feel free to ask any questions regarding these progress notes!
And if you haven't yet, go add Starbase to your Steam wishlist!
Aug 9, 2019
Can't wait for the paint tool, and especially decals when that comes around!

And the robot flashlight mmmmmmm


Active endo
Mar 20, 2020
I've looked forwards to a lot of things in my life, but I don't think I've ever looked forwards to anything as much as I do this game. Can't wait to sail the space seas!


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
I'm excited to see those flashlights in use. Also, is there a thorough explanation of how the station economy works around? I get the impression it's a lot deeper than is generally mentioned.