Core conceit: invading forces use a large structure to enable siege gameplay
Primary goal: merge the standard safezone mechanics with Recatek's siege mechanics while keeping the spirit and intent of both
Secondary goal: create opportunities for "grand strategy" and enmesh sieges with various economic factors that have historically driven real-world campaigns
Siege Window: a time slot, about three hours in long, selected by a station's owner- changing a siege window causes it to Activate once as part of the reset process
Activated Siege Window: a siege window that will go Online once its selected time slot arrives and go Offline and Deactivate once the time slot closes
Offline Siege Window: a station's safezone is immune to Suppression while it is Offline
Online Siege Window: a station's safezone is vulnerable to being Suppressed by attacking forces while it is Online
Closed Siege Window: a siege window that is Offline and Deactivated is called Closed
Safezone Suppression: a safezone with an Online Siege Window can be deactivated, or Suppressed, by attacking forces if they have x times as many military ships as the defender, called Suppression Ratio, once this ratio drops below the 'x-value' the safezone while reactivate after a certain time limit. While a station's safezone is Suppressed its Core can be captured or crippled.
Crippled Station Core: when the safezone system within a station core is rendered nonfunctional by damage or other effects, its is considered Crippled. Without a safezone all parts of a station can be damaged or destroyed.
New Station Core Type: Siege Command Core
Function: a station with a Siege Command Core anchoring it allows the owner to target another station within the same economic zone, this will be called a "War Declaration" or "wardec" for simplicity
Effect- War Declaration: a station that is wardec'd by a Siege Command Core has its Siege Window Activated and when the allotted time selected for the Siege Window next arrives, that station's safezone will become Onlined and vulnerable to the presence of hostile fleets and may drop if the attacker maintains a certain ratio against the defenders
Cost- Reprisal Window: activating a wardec puts the Siege Command Core into an Online Siege Window immediately, regardless of the current time slot -AND- Activates its next allotted Siege Window as if it had been the target of a wardec, these primary and secondary siege windows are called "Reprisal Windows"; A Siege Command Core cannot activate a wardec if it has its Siege Window Activated and/or Online; Secondly, all faction-members or allied factions of the siege station's owner become listed as hostiles to the defending station and its owning faction or allied factions until the Reprisal Windows Close.
Special- Decay Period: in addition to their normal Siege Window, stations with Siege Command Cores also suffer from a Decay Period that Activates its Siege Window once each week on a day selected by the station owner.
Optional Rules: Siege Command Link
Function/Effect- Enable War Declaration: A Siege Command Link is a large ship-based system that is used to target a station in order to make a War Declaration; a ship cannot use a Siege Command Link unless it is a military ship (and thus not protected by safezones) and must charge the link to enable its wardec function in cooperation with a nearby Siege Command Core; charging a Siege Command Link takes a comparable amount of power to one or two railcannons, is an identifiable signal like a transponder, and is considered a hostile act; once charged a player aboard an affiliated Siege Command Core within the same economic zone can use its wardec ability on the station nearest to the active siege command link (and only a station whose safezone is covering the vessel with the command link) and if multiple affiliated links are charged and active, only the nearest one to the siege station will be used as the origin of the wardec. Note: stations owned by the same faction or an allied faction cannot be targeted by a friendly wardec.
Missed Wardec: with Siege Command Links, a War Declaration without a charged link Activates the Siege Command Core's Reprisal Windows and wastes the wardec, requiring basic timing and communication skill between the station crew and command linked ship crew.
Strategic Concerns, Gameplay Offerings
-As a "siege station" can target any other station in the same economic zone (regardless of whether or not command links are in play), the presence of one in any economic zone is a serious concern that merits an immediate response, whether diplomatic or military, and factions that "own" or "protect" an economic zone may even wish to maintain such a station as a defensive measure instead of relying on the decay period and reprisal windows of an invader's siege station
-Further, the 'economic reach' of a siege station incentivizes the separation of economic zones and may lead to fights over the separation or joining of economic zones because of concerns over making a zone too vulnerable to a single siege force.
-Given any station can hypothetically be repurposed into a siege station, concerned companies and factions will need to monitor their spheres of control, creating a need for patrols and similar military actions necessary for the upkeep of a territory and placing an upward limit on the amount of space even very large and belligerent factions can maintain a hold on and making them vulnerable to raiders and smaller factions if they spread themselves too thin
-While being able to wardec stations from the security of a siege station, the fixed nature of stations and the twin-threat to the besieging party of the Reprisal Windows, allowing an immediate retaliation "raid" and a later more prepared siege, counterbalances the increased range of the ability and the secure nature of stations- moreover, the addition of the Decay Period ensures that no siege station has total supremacy over an economic zone and allows even small (or sneaky) factions to make occasional raids against them.
-This revision endeavors to approach the "instanced and planned siege" concept espoused by Recatek while preserving the sandbox nature of Starbase's gameplay and offer players security on the their stations and free enterprise in pursuing, or defending against, conquests
Primary goal: merge the standard safezone mechanics with Recatek's siege mechanics while keeping the spirit and intent of both
Secondary goal: create opportunities for "grand strategy" and enmesh sieges with various economic factors that have historically driven real-world campaigns
Siege Window: a time slot, about three hours in long, selected by a station's owner- changing a siege window causes it to Activate once as part of the reset process
Activated Siege Window: a siege window that will go Online once its selected time slot arrives and go Offline and Deactivate once the time slot closes
Offline Siege Window: a station's safezone is immune to Suppression while it is Offline
Online Siege Window: a station's safezone is vulnerable to being Suppressed by attacking forces while it is Online
Closed Siege Window: a siege window that is Offline and Deactivated is called Closed
Safezone Suppression: a safezone with an Online Siege Window can be deactivated, or Suppressed, by attacking forces if they have x times as many military ships as the defender, called Suppression Ratio, once this ratio drops below the 'x-value' the safezone while reactivate after a certain time limit. While a station's safezone is Suppressed its Core can be captured or crippled.
Crippled Station Core: when the safezone system within a station core is rendered nonfunctional by damage or other effects, its is considered Crippled. Without a safezone all parts of a station can be damaged or destroyed.
New Station Core Type: Siege Command Core
Function: a station with a Siege Command Core anchoring it allows the owner to target another station within the same economic zone, this will be called a "War Declaration" or "wardec" for simplicity
Effect- War Declaration: a station that is wardec'd by a Siege Command Core has its Siege Window Activated and when the allotted time selected for the Siege Window next arrives, that station's safezone will become Onlined and vulnerable to the presence of hostile fleets and may drop if the attacker maintains a certain ratio against the defenders
Cost- Reprisal Window: activating a wardec puts the Siege Command Core into an Online Siege Window immediately, regardless of the current time slot -AND- Activates its next allotted Siege Window as if it had been the target of a wardec, these primary and secondary siege windows are called "Reprisal Windows"; A Siege Command Core cannot activate a wardec if it has its Siege Window Activated and/or Online; Secondly, all faction-members or allied factions of the siege station's owner become listed as hostiles to the defending station and its owning faction or allied factions until the Reprisal Windows Close.
Special- Decay Period: in addition to their normal Siege Window, stations with Siege Command Cores also suffer from a Decay Period that Activates its Siege Window once each week on a day selected by the station owner.
Optional Rules: Siege Command Link
Function/Effect- Enable War Declaration: A Siege Command Link is a large ship-based system that is used to target a station in order to make a War Declaration; a ship cannot use a Siege Command Link unless it is a military ship (and thus not protected by safezones) and must charge the link to enable its wardec function in cooperation with a nearby Siege Command Core; charging a Siege Command Link takes a comparable amount of power to one or two railcannons, is an identifiable signal like a transponder, and is considered a hostile act; once charged a player aboard an affiliated Siege Command Core within the same economic zone can use its wardec ability on the station nearest to the active siege command link (and only a station whose safezone is covering the vessel with the command link) and if multiple affiliated links are charged and active, only the nearest one to the siege station will be used as the origin of the wardec. Note: stations owned by the same faction or an allied faction cannot be targeted by a friendly wardec.
Missed Wardec: with Siege Command Links, a War Declaration without a charged link Activates the Siege Command Core's Reprisal Windows and wastes the wardec, requiring basic timing and communication skill between the station crew and command linked ship crew.
Strategic Concerns, Gameplay Offerings
-As a "siege station" can target any other station in the same economic zone (regardless of whether or not command links are in play), the presence of one in any economic zone is a serious concern that merits an immediate response, whether diplomatic or military, and factions that "own" or "protect" an economic zone may even wish to maintain such a station as a defensive measure instead of relying on the decay period and reprisal windows of an invader's siege station
-Further, the 'economic reach' of a siege station incentivizes the separation of economic zones and may lead to fights over the separation or joining of economic zones because of concerns over making a zone too vulnerable to a single siege force.
-Given any station can hypothetically be repurposed into a siege station, concerned companies and factions will need to monitor their spheres of control, creating a need for patrols and similar military actions necessary for the upkeep of a territory and placing an upward limit on the amount of space even very large and belligerent factions can maintain a hold on and making them vulnerable to raiders and smaller factions if they spread themselves too thin
-While being able to wardec stations from the security of a siege station, the fixed nature of stations and the twin-threat to the besieging party of the Reprisal Windows, allowing an immediate retaliation "raid" and a later more prepared siege, counterbalances the increased range of the ability and the secure nature of stations- moreover, the addition of the Decay Period ensures that no siege station has total supremacy over an economic zone and allows even small (or sneaky) factions to make occasional raids against them.
-This revision endeavors to approach the "instanced and planned siege" concept espoused by Recatek while preserving the sandbox nature of Starbase's gameplay and offer players security on the their stations and free enterprise in pursuing, or defending against, conquests