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  1. BadNation

    Endo Skeleton Modification and Capability?

    It makes sense to me that shots to the head do more, I think of the head like the cpu of the endo
  2. BadNation

    Sending Info between ships?????

    I'm hoping it becomes a lot easier after the transmitter rework but as of now it's not that easy
  3. BadNation

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 42 (2020)

    Every week I get more and more excited!
  4. BadNation

    Thoughts on adding player-made ships to the Starbase wiki?

    Yeah I was thinking while reading this if you had known about that :ROFLMAO:
  5. BadNation


    This is a really beautiful build! great job man!
  6. BadNation

    Weapon and armour balance.

    Wow i'm really impressed, I would make sure that the devs see this if I were you, you could offer a lot to them :)
  7. BadNation

    Official Screenshot Showcase Thread

    I can already see the potential for this thread, good idea guys!
  8. BadNation

    Warp Gates: Expansion of the Universe?

    Will we be able to have two warp gate per station? or will we need to find a second station for returning to the original place
  9. BadNation

    I have a question (its interesting)

    This would be a really cool welcome for all the new guys, and it's something I would like to see too xD
  10. BadNation

    Shipbuilding improvements - Miniturize view from FTD

    Wow thanks for the response it's broadened my knowledge a bit:)
  11. BadNation

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 41 (2020)

    Can't wait for station building!
  12. BadNation

    Vega Interstellar Corp is now HIRING!

    Good luck on your venture!
  13. BadNation

    Shipbuilding improvements - Miniturize view from FTD

    A feature like this wouldn't be too hard to implement would it? From what iv seen in the ship editor it does look quite tedious as of now but still fun.
  14. BadNation

    Empire vs Kingdom, which site to chose?

    Honestly... Neither really, there are player made factions that are much more powerful but as of now I would say that Empire is stronger than Kingdom
  15. BadNation

    A proposal to change how movement works (less acceleration)

    From what I have seen in the dev tournaments I agree, the ships seem much to fast for combat, I would 100% back your new model.
  16. BadNation

    Russian language

    I believe that you will be able to change the language in the game, but you do have to keep the discord and forums in english for now
  17. BadNation

    Abadoned ships selling/recycling

    I also thought this was a part of the game but if it's not it sounds like a great idea.
  18. BadNation


    Welcome! If you haven't already applied to CA you can do it here ( ) Can't wait to see you in game!:)
  19. BadNation

    Yolol chip neural network possibility

    I don't see this actually becoming a thing until very... very far in the future
  20. BadNation

    Questions about rental lot taxes

    It should be similar to the way it works now renting from the dev stations, there may be minor changes but I'm pretty sure it will be very alike.