Quickplay Mode: Or How to Retain Players that Don't Have the Patience for the Main Game

Would a quickplay gamemode be benificial to the game in the long run?

  • I only want to play quickplay. The mining and assembly jobs are the worst!

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Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Preface: This topic very likely has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find any dedicated threads on it.

After watching a few of the videos that were released by CA members I seem to getting this impression of players not enjoying the grind so much in the early part of the game. Keep your magboots on. I think I wouldn't mind the grind-y first part of the game, I don't think it should be changed much from what it is. I think that the starting part of the game will greatly speed up for some players too as factions begin to gather more members. It could be that some players don't have to grind at all because they get accepted into factions that can supply them with supplies.

I do however worry that for the longevity of the game that a broader audience should be considered. Thus, I agree with an idea that Bluedrake42 mentioned off hand in his video. He proposed a "combat training" area that players could go to to play quick battles. I would expect this to be some sort of instanced arena that could have 3 vs. 3 ship battles or something along those lines to get players familiar with the combat and, more importantly, entice other players to buy the game that would not otherwise.

I think there are a couple factors that would need to be considered before this feature was added.
  1. Will having a quickplay/deathmatch mode have a real impact on sales that would offset the development costs?
  2. Would the net player time spent playing the main game vs. the quickplay/deathmatch increase in favor of the main game, regardless of new player numbers?
1. This is something that I couldn't really say, but I would hope that it would increase the number of players in total. Especially since Steam offers a return policy.

2. My hope is that players would slowly migrate from the quickplay mode into playing more of the main game as they desire something more substantial and want to participate in the huge battles that will surely come. I worry that players that are already on the fence about how they are spending their time will play in the quickplay more, thus making the main game less rich.

I'm sure that Frozenbyte has thought long and hard about this too, but I would like for there to be a thread here for discussion on this topic too.


Veteran endo
Feb 19, 2020
I think that instead of adding a way for players to play a side-quest kind of game instead of the grind to the real one, the starter jobs should be drastically re-made in order to make the grind teach the players the concepts of the game, and most of all, it needs to be FUN. The fun part doesn't need to be made - flying ships in this game is so much fun it's incredible. I'd propose some sort of beginner area where each player receives a tugger to use to mine respawning asteroids. I'll make a post soon detailing this concept a bit further, but the basic idea is to have a small playground that players learn the game in, and earn the money in before being released into the "real world".


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
I'd propose some sort of beginner area where each player receives a tugger to use to mine respawning asteroids.
Are you suggesting something like what we have now, but instead of just a pickaxe, players would be given a ship to use temporarily while they mine?

On that same train of thought. Maybe you are given a ship right off the bat, but have to pay it off by working, Animal Crossing style.
May 15, 2020
He proposed a "combat training" area that players could go to to play quick battles
Why not make this one of the beginner jobs.
I personally like the concept of having some core ways of earning income as a beginner, but cant see why they would need to stick to monotonous or grindy concepts.
A FPS combat and Ship combat job could be provided within the framework of being a job where you are testing out the quality of the guns or safety / combat effectiveness of the ship. You get given random guns or random small ships and so if you want to play with specific ships or weapons or pursue your own goals then you have to go out into the open world.
But within the battle area you can develop some combat skills and knowledge as well as generating some income to fund your eventual progression into the open world.

starter jobs should be drastically re-made in order to make the grind teach the players the concepts of the game, and most of all, it needs to be FUN
Completely agree.
Having the starter jobs encompass all the fun aspects of the game in isolation lets players learn the core mechanics in a no risk environment.
The incentive to play in the open world is then provided by the desire to experience all these features together as apposed to being in isolation.
As well as getting to experience player driven content and have persistent progression.


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Sep 26, 2019
Elite Dangerous has tried something similar with CQC, which is basically exactly what OP has described. CQC is practically dead.

I do agree that the starting experience must not be grindy, and if it is, it needs rework. The first few minutes is when the game has to entice new players to stay and play, those first few minutes must be among the best the game can offer.


Learned-to-turn-off-magboots endo
Sep 26, 2019
Why don't players play that mode?
I think it is exactly because it is so different from the main game. ppl who have already bought the game did not buy it for fast-paced action, and so the core gameplay overshadows this fast-paced action one. CQC with a bit more development could be a separate game on its own, but since it is presented as a part of the main game, it is overshadowed by it.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
Just like belt mining overshadows hall mining, and ship designer overshadows ikea.
Yet both of these still have their place in game.

I'm all for combat arena starting job.


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
Perhaps it will only be for the duration of CA, but it seems that FB has decided that a designated small arms combat area is something that will help the game. Now, it looks like players have to organize thier battles and equipment, but it's not far off from a quickplay mode.


Well-known endo
Aug 11, 2019
I agree that there should be a starter job that is essentially team deathmatch. Starter stations would feature Empire and Kingdom offices where you could apply to join the two factions, or sign up for ritualistic combat. After pressing the button you would be teleported to a Empire or Kingdom waiting room with a weapon shop, and then a door would open to an arena with strategically placed cover. Your next respawn fee is waived. Everyone gets money, but the winners get vastly more and a chance to join the corresponding faction.