space hulk station??


Veteran endo
Aug 22, 2019
The main problem is what the game considers a ship vs a station.
My understanding is that a station will render in for everyone (although whether lots render for everyone is up to some debate). A ship does not necessarily render.
So while you could maybe build a station with the aesthetic of ships amalgamated together, I don't think you could literally mash a bunch of ships together and have it considered a station.

It might be possible to change the classification of a ship into a station, like Space Engineers, but I haven't heard any mention of a function like that.
Definitely a cool idea, and I'd love to see it, but i don't know how well the game could handle it with rendering limitations.
Apr 11, 2020
i suppose what i am getting at is, can you bolt enough ships together that they would become a space station like creation. Where instead of going to an actual station the amalgamation of ships instead was a sort of station?


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
well how does the respawn and despawn work for player ships when loggin in and out. if a player logs out his ship does to? and if so does that mean you lose a chunk or chunks incase of several players being offline of the floating ship station?

EDIT: now if your ship can only logout at a spacestation than it could work.


Veteran endo
Aug 22, 2019
The next question is rendering limits. The case of their only being ~100 players rendered in any one place (obviously FB want tt increase this limit as much as reasonably possible, but that's the most common 'player limit' I've seen). I imagine that counts for ships as well.
Obviously this can be worked around for a 'small' spacehulk like ship/station involving less than 100 players, but how will it render if more than the limit enter that area?
What's the render distance for a ship vs a station?
What happens when a player travels too far away from their ship if it's part of the station?
As Venombrew said, what happens when the owners of the ships log out?

That's why I think the biggest concern is whether a structure is considered a ship or a station, because that directly affects how it will render, and what it's render limits are.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
Also with the 100 people render or even if they kick it up to 150/200, most of the time when the server is done this way, you can see an entire party group of players that are together but would have to remain in party. usually when a player leaves said party, they disappear to another shard or no longer is rendered with the rest of the party they left. in WoW you actually see players phase away when this happens, which is about the same way you would probably see them in starbase, its also same for ESO.

So that adds a new element to the problem as well. Would each ship owner who is docked together not only have to be on at the same time as well as be in the same party to ensure others would see the mobile fleet station as a whole? a lot of factors here but all in all it boils down to MAYBE! until we are in the game and probably closer to actual release will we know the answers to these kind of questions.


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
100 player limit apply only to player characters. And it's old number that may already be changed.
There is no limit to the number of ships.

And they do not despawn when you log off. Thy stay persistently in the universe. Only way to despawn them is using dedicated station module (landing pad/hangar).

But there is ship part count limit, so most likely game won't let you bolt too many ships together. They'll have to just float in a cluster instead of single entity.

Also some mechanics may be station exclusive. Most notably offline protection.
May 5, 2020
100 player limit apply only to player characters. And it's old number that may already be changed.
There is no limit to the number of ships.

And they do not despawn when you log off. Thy stay persistently in the universe. Only way to despawn them is using dedicated station module (landing pad/hangar).

But there is ship part count limit, so most likely game won't let you bolt too many ships together. They'll have to just float in a cluster instead of single entity.

Also some mechanics may be station exclusive. Most notably offline protection.
You have a good point here. I think that since we can tow other ships if we have three points of contact, Then you could theoretically make a "core" ship that is just fuel and engines primarily. Then multiple other ships can be towed by it possibly, until you have a large mass of ships floating around, towed by the larger core. I would definitely love to help people try this out. This may not be a permanent space hulk drifting through the void, but it could be a tactic used by players to make giant, heavy, bullet sponges. I wonder if the devs have tested anything like this?

And I thought that ships despawn when you log out in non-combat?


Master endo
Dec 10, 2019
From the FAQ:
What happens to my ship when I disconnect from the game?

XCompWizFB (5/28/19): You should log out at a station after storing your ship. Ship otherwise stays where it is.

LauriFB (5/28/19): Safe zones usually allow despawning [your] ship

XCompWizFB (5/28/19): If you save your ship at a staion and log off, your ship is safe.

LauriFB (02/17/2020): ships depending on size can despawn if left out in the open. though this timer is huge and some ships can stay behind for 6 months. timer is reset once a player renders the ship.

Seems that despawning is not the biggest issue with the conglomerate ship-station.
May 18, 2020
I am not sure about the feasibility of this, but what if enough ships were docked together that it created a space station. Similar to the 40k space hulks or "the city of a thousand planets". I am sure there are both pros and cons so what do you guys think?
I'd love to make a station like that. Especially would be funny to have your "room" vary on the ship its in.
Dec 17, 2020
Also with the 100 people render or even if they kick it up to 150/200, most of the time when the server is done this way, you can see an entire party group of players that are together but would have to remain in party. usually when a player leaves said party, they disappear to another shard or no longer is rendered with the rest of the party they left. in WoW you actually see players phase away when this happens, which is about the same way you would probably see them in starbase, its also same for ESO.

So that adds a new element to the problem as well. Would each ship owner who is docked together not only have to be on at the same time as well as be in the same party to ensure others would see the mobile fleet station as a whole? a lot of factors here but all in all it boils down to MAYBE! until we are in the game and probably closer to actual release will we know the answers to these kind of questions.
Most people get into games because of the friends. That is a fact. As for the rest of the statement, well, dude, this is what an MMO, "Massive Multi Player" game is, check out all the classics. Everquest, WoW, ESO, GW2 and many others, you can solo level and solo quest, but you cannot solo heorics, raids, battlefields, arenas and most importantly WPvP. Ark, your number 1 survival in Ark is numbers. Ask the Chinese and Korean players who flood a server and wipe it clean. Rust is no different, and from what I know about Eva, so is it. Solo players are always going to be at a disadvantage in any MMO, they are literally not designed to be a solo game and that's a fact, hence the MMO part, just ask Kirito.
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