So could you make an automatic evasive maneuvers program with YOLOL?
You theoretically could and it would go something like this:
{line 1} if button_state = 1 then go to line 2 else go to line 1 end (roughl YOLOL though i am trying to learn more about it)
{line 2} throttle = 0: FCURotationalPitch = 90 end
{line 3} throttle = 100: FCURotationalPitch = 0 end
you can put in as much delay between line 2 and 3 as you want. This would basically make your ship do a cobra.
Though i am not that confident that you should use buttons for these kind of things. A good chunk of being a good fighter pilot is being unpredictable and with stuff like this you limit yourself to pre programmed maneuvers that you could do with keybindings or if u have a HOTAS system it would be even more simple.
I would use yolol more to automate things I want to happen but cannot mannually control. For example deploying something like chaff or flares or switching from using autocannons to plasma throwers for example.