Search results

  1. Morrgard

    Dev Question - What Will Stations be Required For?

    It's a place to know is home, an area to store all you're stuff, explore get new stuff, make jobs, be safe (safe-zone) design in, test in, a hub, storage for your ships when you are not using them (despawning in safe zones to make them safe I think, not military) And so on :)
  2. Morrgard

    The United Shattered Empire Recruitment Ad

    Alright, yea I see what you mean. It's good to have you over on Starbase grounds! Good luck to you again and hope to see you around in the game/forums!
  3. Morrgard

    Dear Frozen, When the Time comes for Cosmetics do us one favor?

    Sounds amazing! Thank you for the insight on cosmetics Lauri. Glad to hear you aim to break the cycle and allowing lots of coloring. Really liking the sound of inscriptions and serial numbers too :O
  4. Morrgard

    Forum signatures (images) are broken

    Tried up until this point, came as far as to find out that the silly embed from Imgur is called "Embed Unit" and I was looking for a way to disable that to try and solve it but was unsuccessful in finding any information on Imgur about it other than "Hi look at our new feature"
  5. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    That would be really cool! I would love to have multiple objectives over a station that would require to be destroyed/captured in order to advance in the siege further. Also if it were possible and people did not use discord etc it would be awesome if you could have some system where if you...
  6. Morrgard

    Forum signatures (images) are broken

    Would you send me the proper image you would like for you're signature and Il try to fix it for you?
  7. Morrgard

    Dear Frozen, When the Time comes for Cosmetics do us one favor?

    I do agree with this. It would be nice if you had, for instance, a weapon skin for the assault rifle, and it was completely different looking but still the same gun & ammunition. Same for cosmetics that go for armor/bodyparts. These being the more important, making more and more different ones...
  8. Morrgard

    Forum signatures (images) are broken

    I believe you are using the wrong link from IMGUR, there are several ones one of which produces what you are seeing on that image. Try using the different links they offer for sharing.
  9. Morrgard

    [Poll] What Kind of Player Are You?

    Do you expect to join forces with the Empire or Kingdom?
  10. Morrgard

    PvP first person shooter battles

    It definitely helps, but you can make internal in a lot of ways, I feel a very common thing you will encounter during boardings is probably maze-like designs where the intent is to get the boarders confused to where they are too go. Would be like a puzzle to get through that way, also making...
  11. Morrgard

    What kinds of ships are you going to be building?

    It really depends on what type of multirole ship you are creating. Generally a military ship is better left specialized in something, however, as mentioned by Matrix it can be beneficial for a singular ship moving alone to be very multirole.
  12. Morrgard

    Hi everyone!

    It was removed from the forums, it's a bit strange as some posts are still liked and the all-around forum likes listing is still up too. I believe Ella that this would be a good solution :P I imagine we will eventually see flying animals in space anyway :rolleyes:
  13. Morrgard

    Station Tracking?

    I just hope it won't be too difficult to manually navigate by seeing little specks that are stations all over the place "hmm which is ours?" "That one?" "okay lets go" Goes across the galaxy in the wrong direction missing proper navigation haha would be fun to see this happen but not fun to...
  14. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    I would rather see them just banding together in sorts of military alliances/coalitions, I think that would be more beneficial for the smaller factions involved, they could of course band together and make a mega station or station and give each other different parts of the station too where...
  15. Morrgard

    Project Halo

    It depends how long it would take to build it and how hungry pirates are for more fights and things they don't need to acquire themselves. Because that will just be so many stops if pirates come across the halo ring and it's not abundantly guarded, that way it would just be a target since it's...
  16. Morrgard

    LauriFB stated in Discord: stations will be visible from 200km, up to 1000km eventually

    It would be the best thing to do, as I mentioned earlier it would not be any idea to fully render a station at such ranges as it would not be visible to you anyway, would be better to just have it as a speck in the direction it is by some pixels.
  17. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    I doubt that a rail cannon artillery ship would try, hopefully someone did not bring one in alone haha, I mean that ship really should have some fighter / interceptor escorts at least, Artillery vessels are only support ships just like carriers.
  18. Morrgard

    Ship Classification Guide

    I mean, there's no real need for a standard designation process through all the factions though is there, I mean, in the long run, I don't see how any of it would affect your own faction if some enemy said "oh look a corvette" whilst you may class it as a notch above it?
  19. Morrgard

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    I mean as long as there's a blueprint editor integrated into the multiplayer where there is no grinding to do, so you can test you're blueprinted vessel and make anything you want. But it's just a blueprint, you gotta test it in a ship testing hangar afterwards via an in-game computer simulation...
  20. Morrgard

    Save Our Ships [SOS]

    Really nice of you to do this for the Starbase community. Through the time the game is out you will be highly regarded among the community for sure :) Good luck to you!