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  1. Morrgard

    Forum suggestions? Post it to this thread!

    People are only supposed to have an account each, otherwise, I believe it would count to the circumvention bit on the rules. May want to assist the developers in pointing out the accounts that are not your's (as in so that you get the name you want to have unless you already have it now. I'm...
  2. Morrgard

    Ship Classification Guide

    Even without the larger factions doing it, there are many smaller ones that don't bother with making one and would love to make use of something like this if they were permitted too, there won't be any shortage of use on this, even still they could take bits and pieces out of it. So it would...
  3. Morrgard

    About ship's moving parts

    I'm not entirely sure how you mean, you should be able to connect the cables perfectly fine without having to disconnect them. If you mean different grids though I'm fairly certain you would be able to, it would just be to unlock whatever is on the rail and move it over with maneuvering thrusters.
  4. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    That has been my idea too it as well, I know some people mentioned small groups being opposed to the system, but I would argue it only adds to the dynamic of seeing out other groups, making there be more goals rather than just singular factions going against one larger faction on their own...
  5. Morrgard

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    Since we don't know exactly how it would be yet this is quite an interesting take to it. It may turn out great or terrible depending on how it all goes to show
  6. Morrgard

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    That's an interesting idea, I'm definitely wanting to have a look further into your ideas of the freeport as it develops, maybe you should make a thread somewhere that you can update this on? Afterall as a freeport I'm sure you would need some crew and more awareness of your idea :)
  7. Morrgard

    Station Events for EA

    I see.. Well it would add a common goal for people but I'm not sure if that would be the best way to go about it, I'm not sure I have any alternatives to this at this very moment, but I will certainly get back to this if I think about any alternatives.
  8. Morrgard

    What are your plans upon release?

    Sounds good to me :) Then good luck to you Terrapin, hope to encounter you sometime in game exploring the universe :)
  9. Morrgard

    Station Tracking?

    Yes, I believe those were who I was thinking of, thank you Sendall!
  10. Morrgard

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome! Very informative & Helpful introduction, and funny haha. Glad you made this introduction and hope to see the other developers follow in your footsteps :p Good luck with your work and management, glad to see you on the FB team :)
  11. Morrgard

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    It's great to see a developer so into their game that they wish to make functional societies and jobs and everything to it in a game. I'm really liking the idea that you have and having those select people journey with you to create the base of Starbase society. Looking forward to seeing this...
  12. Morrgard

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    What I am imagining is massive industries like, (EA before stations) Massive industrial vessels meant for refining ore & creating materials. Trading said resources between other vessels Large shipyards made out of ship hangars where more and more ships would be created to supply the community...
  13. Morrgard

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    Yea that sounds about good.
  14. Morrgard

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    Yea, I just mean for trading and such things all too long, as that would be a drag. Longer unique travels is a different thing of course like planet to moon and vice versa
  15. Morrgard

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    I meant it as in normal day travels won't take you too many days. As for the distance of the gates, I meant rather large distances but evenly
  16. Morrgard

    How do you want warp gates/FTL to work?

    I was hoping the warpgates would be placed in an equal distance around the world to be sure fast travelling can be made so not each trip is too much a drag. As for the moon, I imagined that it would be a capturable gate, so the first person there can go over and capturing it enabling it for the...
  17. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    Yea I believe this would be the best method of reloading weaponry, it would be really awkward having to go outside of the ship otherwise.
  18. Morrgard

    Station Events for EA

    Could someone explain this to me from the perspective of someone who did not play elite dangerous at all? Fill in some blanks and details? I'm not following fully.
  19. Morrgard

    Station Tracking?

    I think there was a faction dedicated to making a public map, I think Cylon might have something done in YOLOL otherwise
  20. Morrgard


    Not sure who either of those is, but good luck with that. Welcome to the forums!