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  1. Morrgard

    TimSoulsurfer is here!

    Hey Tim! Welcome to the forums :)
  2. Morrgard

    Hi, i still don't get the point of this type of channel.

    That's a pretty negative way to look at it, the reason the introduction channels are here is to introduce yourself and be welcomed to the forums. I mean, there's no point in making a post nobody replies to? In that case, you should just go to the about me page and write it in there, but that...
  3. Morrgard

    The United Shattered Empire Recruitment Ad

    If I may, is there a meaning behind the name of your faction Oreo?
  4. Morrgard

    Thank you! :D Just reached 300 :O

    Thank you! :D Just reached 300 :O
  5. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    That should be fine? I imagine by the time the zone goes down you just deploy troops to take it over, unclear if exterior turrets would be gone by then though
  6. Morrgard

    LauriFB stated in Discord: stations will be visible from 200km, up to 1000km eventually

    They definitely won't fully render the station, there's no point. Even if they did you would not be able to see 200k away accurately enough to make sense of the fully rendered station.
  7. Morrgard

    LauriFB stated in Discord: stations will be visible from 200km, up to 1000km eventually

    This depends if it is just stations that have the render distance, or if ships have it too. Because if it were stations then it can just be a smeared blob on your screen from really far away, almost like the stars of the skybox.
  8. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    That it most certainly does. But could make your design get really bulky, and with that heavier and then again it would become less efficient probably. Tradeoffs everywhere!
  9. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    Yea exactly! Anyway back on topic, station rules of engagement. I'm just curious.. because I think with the station's safe zone and that. Because I believe Lauri or some other developer mentioned that there was going to be no protection for military ships... So if they are in the safe zone...
  10. Morrgard

    What are your plans upon release?

    I like that :) Good luck! Hope you can get your dream vessel constructed EDIT: As long as it is not a weapon against the entire community o_O
  11. Morrgard

    Wings or no wings

    haha well done! It's a pretty good option to turn signatures off, especially when people have page-long ones, large images or gifs.
  12. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    Seeing how it is done in instances it will be a lot up to player's too, not building any crazy things. And if anything besides lag I really hope to not see dogs, chickens and other replicas of sci-fi ships & animals haha, I hope to see some originality from players. Obviously, I prefer sci-fi...
  13. Morrgard

    Ideas on Station Security

    Yea that would be something really cool to have in Starbase I think. A source of intelligence for everyone around the galaxy to get a clue about the important events that could change this or that, or if there is a larger battle somewhere. Milestones like "player" finally reached the moon. Or...
  14. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    Yea that could work too, I'm just saying the benefit of doing such things may not be enough to justify doing it with the amount of resources and space it would take to set up the moving parts on your vessels, especially if they are corvettes or anything smaller
  15. Morrgard

    Station rules of engagement

    As long as fleet battles don't lag, I think it would be amazing. But Starbase offers so many different possibilities to players that you dont even need be part of the larger groups if you don't want too, as mentioned there's, trade, economical aspects, mining, other industrial or just jobs in...
  16. Morrgard

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    I think the best course of action would be to integrate as much as possible into the MMO setting, making both parties happy who would like a sandbox-like mode but keeping it in the main world still where what they do can contribute to the universe or not depending on what they have simply chosen...
  17. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    I'm not sure about that, seems going a bit too far. Want to conserve a bit of space on your vessel too. Whilst it may be good and efficient I'm not sure if you want to take so much space for the things that would need to be external like those.
  18. Morrgard

    Ideas on Station Security

    Yea that's what I had in mind, those are the billboards of EVE are they not? Showing wanted people and such?
  19. Morrgard

    Concerns with Single Player

    Space bars huh, that sounds quite cool. Also sounds like that will be secret hideouts for pirates haha. Really that does sound nice though, having a few stations and such spread across the map for people to just simply interact.
  20. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    Yea, that would most likely be the case. That's where having armor and hatches comes into play as you have mentioned if anything it would be a good thing to make sure that nobody gets in. I mean in the case of you having to have a smaller gap on your design for whatever purpose