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  1. Morrgard

    POLL: What type of Starbase Faction do you prefer?

    Sounds about right. Good luck with your hive mind :)
  2. Morrgard

    How do I get Points?

    I had linked it earlier in the post?
  3. Morrgard

    What the heck are trophy points?

    You can view the trophies by clicking your avatar and then the trophy points points, alternatively see what the different things you can achieve by going to help (bottom right page) and trophies
  4. Morrgard

    Introducing Starbase YOLOL Editor : A Starbase-themed text editor for YOLOL

    this was made by the poster if im not misstaken
  5. Morrgard

    What kinds of ships are you going to be building?

    Whenever I will be building any ships, I will be focused on making military ones, and a couple of civilian ones, mainly hangar vessels (carrier), cruisers / battleships, fighters, and similar sized vessels and transports.
  6. Morrgard

    Half the people on this forum right now

    Thank you Ella, you too! I quite enjoy a forum, it's much easier to catch up without missing anything, especially with the alert system, have found it very helpful to keep track on what discussions I'm part of.
  7. Morrgard

    How do I get Points? You can find what you are looking for here.
  8. Morrgard

    Your ship of choice?

    That will do for me, Centurion it is then :)
  9. Morrgard

    POLL: What type of Starbase Faction do you prefer?

    It's hard to know what to choose when you can't yet see the full picture :) Good choice(s)
  10. Morrgard

    Your ship of choice?

    In terms of ships that FB have made I would say the Veles until I find out the name of the larger, sleek Empire vessel
  11. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    I believe what they were trying to say as well as the developer's points from before are. Not all weapon will be good against all armor types, thus the adaptation of said armor is important. and then there comes the layering, and since there are weapons that are effective against this and that...
  12. Morrgard

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    I'm feeling confident that you could make retractable weapons one way or another, we will have to wait to see though
  13. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    I would rather have it be something more like a capture system. For instance, going to the moon and any player that goes there first can capture the gate for all players, so they can take it to traverse faster to the moon. I don't think they should be player buildable
  14. Morrgard

    I'm new here...

    You can get trophy points on the forum, which are like achievements or medals yes, you can have a look at em here > Eventually, you get more trophy points etc according to the achievements and under your avatar you can get new "titles" or "ranks"
  15. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Hopefully those gates will already be implemented by that time,
  16. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Insert that as a quote so it's less confusing? (Insert button near smiley icon when editing)
  17. Morrgard

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    The game is listed on steam, so most likely steam. Could just be as a steam launcher though. But my guess would be steam
  18. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Not so sure it would be that simple.. I'm sure there will be diffrent stages of refining materials etc
  19. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Nearly certain that I saw it somewhere stated by a dev, similar too "Take in consideration damage has been raised for the videos"
  20. Morrgard

    What are your plans upon release?

    Indeed! It's good that they are aware of it though, some signatures are a bit large *cough*