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  1. Morrgard

    Cylon: the Collaborative Yolol Learning Open Network

    Great idea, really nice to see this! Nice to give newcomers to Starbase a chance as well as those who just don't know YOLOL! Best of luck to you and hope your repository of knowledge will span long!
  2. Morrgard

    What are your plans upon release?

    I'm not sure, but I think Kai was testing the limits of signatures. He still has it on to my knowledge and it spans lengthily. Anyway, they're aware of it.
  3. Morrgard

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    I agree with this, seeing more than just combat would be nice
  4. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Speaking of the swarm of small ships, again as mentioned you would want a balanced fleet and not just a few ships, preferably with interceptors and fighters of your own to be sure that whomever you are engaged in a battle with cant swarm you (to a too great extent anyhow)
  5. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Exactly. Besides, EA is there for us to help give feedback to the developers and help make the game in a sense :)
  6. Morrgard

    Concerns with Single Player

    I believe that a singleplayer of the game would only be an empty world working similarly to "Creative mode" where you only create your blueprints, completely empty otherwise except for what you construct. Only there for you to create an aesthetically pleasing ship for you to build up in...
  7. Morrgard

    Hello I'm Kane Hart

    Hello and welcome Kane! :)
  8. Morrgard

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    You should not just have one vessel either, that is quite the doomed plan from the start, regardless of its size. Escorts and ships meant for the battle and bring support ships, besides if you have a ship for 100mil I'm sure it would be taken out long before it was constructed unless you had...
  9. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Specialized ships are definitely important. And the way to make a fleet is not by having one type of ship but to keep it balanced or towards the prefered strategy the group or commander is going for. For instance you would not bring a carrier alone to a battle, it's a support vessel, and as...
  10. Morrgard

    Emphasis on Smaller ships.

    Sometimes it's better to shoot from multiple places at once instead of firing with power from one :eek:
  11. Morrgard

    Hi, Im Messir Astaroth

    Appreciate the kind words, Welcome to the forums haha
  12. Morrgard

    What are your plans upon release?

    I'm not really planning much per se, sticking with my faction is all that I'm at least willing to disclose :P
  13. Morrgard

    Can't wait for Starbase c=

    Hello :D Welcome to the forum! Really looking forward to Starbase, looks amazing! Hopefully, you could make videos on Starbase instead :P
  14. Morrgard

    Why is there no downvoting on the forums?

    I see the point of having a downvote, but would it not be better to encourage the writing of replies that give a more detailed (hopefully) reason to why someone disagrees? "Trolls" will be dealt with by the ruleset anyhow, and by liking another persons post you would only take it in a positive...
  15. Morrgard

    Quasar Systems | YOUR shipbuilding company!

    Hello! May I suggest making the bit's meant for "titles" to be made bold to easily distinguish the different topics? Good luck to you!
  16. Morrgard

    hi there >;) I'm Oreo**** or Mito on the discord.

    Welcome to the forum Oreo :)
  17. Morrgard

    The United Shattered Empire Recruitment Ad

    Ah I see what you were going for there,
  18. Morrgard

    Starbase wiki and FAQ

    Appreciated, useful to have all the links on the forum and the website vice versa! :D
  19. Morrgard

    The United Shattered Empire Recruitment Ad

    What type of experienced players? The game has not released yet :unsure: Good luck to you!
  20. Morrgard

    LingCORP | an Argentavian owned manufacturing company

    Welcome indeed! Good luck to you!